Acting: Week 10
(October 23-27, 2023)
Day 1: Sub (KP @ Fall Play Retreat)
1.) Rehearsed monologues independently - in chunks, using physical choices and "verbs" (intentions) as guides.
Days 2-3: Performed Monologues
1.) Students performed monologues and classmates gave feedback on:
One thing they LIKED
One PHYSICAL character choice that was strong/clear in the performance
One thing to work on for the NEXT performance (with a scene partner)
2.) After performing, students Completed a Monologue Reflection in Google Classroom (if absent, be sure to complete on your own).
3.) Discussed the process of writing your play review. (If absent, click and go to "In-Class Lessons about Writing a Review" at the bottom of the Play Review webpage. Click HERE.)
4.) Ms. Price introduced students of the details of our final acting project: preparing and performing a SCRIPTED scene with a partner. (To read/explore/choose a scripted scene, scroll to the bottom of this webpage. Scenes & partners must be chosen by Monday, October 30) If absent, you must still choose a scene and partner by the due date. Be sure to read the scenes at the bottom of this webpage.
Days 4: Monologue Performance / Choose a scene for next unit
1.) Remaining students performed monologues. (Reminder: be sure to complete the Monologue Reflection in Google Classroom (
2.) Reflected on growth during the monologue unit: What was learned about...
playing a character
3.) Discussed info for the FALL PLAY. Your attendance at the fall play is REQUIRED, and the IB Summative Assignment of writing a Review of a Live Theatre Performance will be due November 17 (no later).
For specifics (task sheet, rubric, helpful videos, etc.) pertaining to this assignment, click HERE. (If absent, be sure to click/watch/read!)
Remember: you can earn EXTRA CREDIT for ushering at one of the shows (see Ms. Price to sign up).
4.) Searched for a scene to perform in our next unit: SCENE WORK. (See scenes below to choose a scene and a partner. Click on DESCRIPTIONS of scenes before reading scenes.)
(You will be required to choose a partner & a scene - read DESCRIPTIONS of the play the scene comes from HERE)
Scenes with 1 male & 1 female:
scene from Rabbit Hole (dramatic)
scene from Of Mice & Men (dramatic/difficult)
scene from The Crucible (dramatic)
scene from Proof (dramatic)
scene from Wit
scene from The Diary of Anne Frank (option #1)
scene from The Diary of Anne Frank (option #2)
scene from Fools (comedic)
scene from Rumors (comedic timing)
Scenes with 2 females:
scene from 'Night Mother (dramatic/intense) - NOT AVAILABLE
scene from Ascension Day
scene from Proof (dramatic)
scene from Steel Magnolias (dramatic)
Scenes with 2 males:
scene from Of Mice & Men (dramatic but light)
scene from Duck Hunter Shoots Angel (comedic)
scene from The Odd Couple (option #1 - comedic)
scene from The Odd Couple (option #2 - comedic)
scene from The Odd Couple (option #3 - comedic)
scene from The Odd Couple (option #4 - comedic)
scene from The Odd Couple (option #5 - comedic)
scene from 1984 (dramatic/intense)
Important topics/terms/instructions are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
Ms. Price provides ALL learning for absent students in a self-directed format.
If absent, read & understand/complete each of the day's activities below. You are EXPECTED to do so BEFORE returning to class.