Acting: Week 14 - VIRTUAL
(November 30-December 4, 2020)
Important topics/terms/instructions are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".
This week's self-directed learning (due by Thursday's class):
1.) Finish (if you haven't already): Upload your monologue performance (to drive shared in Google Classroom)
2.) Complete (if you haven't already): My Monologue Choices in Google Classroom
Completing this assignment allows Ms. Price to grade your monologue performance according to YOUR actor choices. (Your monologue can NOT be graded until this is complete.)
3.) Do: Give Feedback on Classmates' Monologues
In the shared class folder (where you uploaded your monologue on Google Classroom), watch and provide FEEDBACK for three of your classmates' monologue performances. (Click the "add comment" button - the speech bubble with the plus sign.) Be sure your feedback is helpful, honest, and growth-oriented. Compliments are acceptable, also. Just be sure any feedback you provide is specific and not vague. You are graded on the quality of the feedback you provide.
4.) Watch: Wants
Acting NOTES Journal - WANTS (Google Classroom)
While watching the video, take notes on what you're learning in your NOTES Journal (Google Classroom). Be sure to pause the video as needed while you take notes. Please pay close attention to the Lost in Yonkers wants/"verbing" examples in the video. This is a concept that you must understand and be able to analyze/do on your own in this class.
5.) Watch: Stanislavski's method of physical actions
Acting PROCESS Journal in Google Classroom (week 14)
Journal Title: Playing the Action
After watching the video above, describe in your Acting Process Journal (Google Classroom - week 14) what you found interesting in this video in which actors discuss the process of Stanislavski's system of using actions/objectives.
6.) Watch: Intentions (Wants), Obstacles, & Tactics (Action) - 1 Minute Acting Lesson
Acting PROCESS Journal in Google Classroom (week 14)
Journal Title: Wants, Obstacles, Tactics
After watching the above video list one thing (in your Google Classroom Process Journal) in your life that at your core you need/want (do NOT list a physical "thing"/object - go deeper). Describe an obstacle in your life that has prevented you (or could prevent you) from "getting" that core need. Describe what you are you willing to do (or what you've done) to get what you need/want?
7.) Watch: Scene from Fences (a brief synopsis of the play is below)
Acting PROCESS Journal in Google Classroom (week 14)
Journal Title: Wants, Obstacles, Tactics in FENCES
Watch the FIRST version of the scene (0:00-2:55) and answer the following questions:
1.) In this scene (using the and actors' portrayal and the text as a guide), what do you think the SON wants? What do you think the FATHER wants?
2.) What do you feel is the main obstacle to each character's want?
3.) What actions did you notice that accompanied each actor's portrayal of his want? (Describe a specific line/moment and the actor action that accompanied it.)
Watch the SECOND version of the scene (2:58-end) and answer the following questions:
4.) What differences in the actors' portrayal of their wants/obstacles/action did you notice in this version of the scene?
5.) Which performance did you prefer and why? (Be specific.)
A brief synopsis of the play, Fences:
Arguably August Wilson's most renowned work, Fences explores the life and relationships of the Maxson family against the backdrop of the evolving African American experience in the 1950's. The protagonist, Troy Maxson is a restless trash-collector and former baseball athlete. Though deeply flawed, he represents the struggle for justice and fair treatment, as well as human nature's reluctance to recognize and accept social change. (Source)
8.) Do: Read (and print if possible) a Scene from To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday (Be sure to read the play synopsis FIRST, which is below. You don't need to do anything with this scene - just read it and "bring" it to class - We'll be using this scene in class on Thursday.)
A brief synopsis of the play, To Gillian...:
David loves his wife, Gillian. Unfortunately, she died two years prior (to this scene) in a boating accident. David deals with his overwhelming grief by continuing his romance with Gillian during nightly walks on a beach with her "ghost". While David lives in the past, other family problems crop up in the present/real world. Esther and Paul (David's sister-in-law & brother-in law) come for a visit to try to help Rachel (David's daughter), as David's neglect of his daughter and preoccupation with his late wife grows. Rachel has lost her mother and needs her father to snap back into the real world to help her through her own loss and grief. (Source)
This week's ZOOM classes: (zoom code on Haiku)
Day 1: Tuesday, December 1 @ 9:00-10:30 (attendance REQUIRED - check-in & directions for this wk's learning)
Day 2: Thursday, December 3 @ 12:50-2:20 (attendance REQUIRED - you'll begin script work with Ms. Price)
BEFORE Thursday's class, read this scene: To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday (for context, read the description of the play above) and bring the scene to class.