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Acting:  Week 12
(November 6-10, 2023)

Important topics/terms/instructions are in RED.

Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.

Ms. Price provides ALL learning for absent students in a self-directed format.

If absent, read & understand/complete each of the day's activities below.  You are EXPECTED to do so BEFORE returning to class.

Day 1:

1.)  Reviewed course requirement to attend (and write a Review) on Fall Play.  (For specifics (task sheet, rubric, helpful videos, etc.) pertaining to this assignment, click HERE.)


2.) Reviewed the W's of scene analysis:

  • What is going on?  (both on the surface and BENEATH the surface)

  • Why is this scene happening?  (What part(s) of the relationship are important to show?)

  • Where is the scene taking place?  (How does this impact the scene?)

  • Wants? (What is each character trying to do to the other character with his/her words? Express the want as a verb:  "My character wants to ___________ him/her")

3.) Completed page 4 in your booklet  If absent be sure to complete.

4.) Researched the play from which your chosen scene order to determine what the overall story is about, who the characters are, when the story took place (time period), and where the story takes place (location), etc.   If absent, be sure to do this on your own so that you know the context of your scene and the character you will be performing.

5.) Discussed wants (also called a character's "motivation" or "objective" or "intention")

  • wants in LIFE (super-objective)

  • wants in a SCENE

  • wants in a RELATIONSHIP (which are revealed through a character's LINES)

6.) Learned: In acting, we define WANTS as VERBS 

  • Q: What does my character want to do TO the other character with these words?

  • A:  My character wants to ___________ him/her (insert actable verb)

7.)  Discussed "stakes"

  • Stakes are what a character stands to gain or lose if (s)he doesn't get what they want.

8.) Revisited the concept of "wants" & stakes in the scene To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday and also workshopped ideas for the set needed to show the action/intention of the scene.  

Day 2:

1.)  Reviewed course requirement to attend (and write a Review) on Fall Play.  (For specifics (task sheet, rubric, helpful videos, etc.) pertaining to this assignment, click HERE.)

2.) Revisited choices of set for your chosen scene.  (Drew set choices on pg 8 of booklet - if absent, be sure to discuss with your partner and complete pg 8)


3.) Revisited the concept of "wants" in the scene To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday and was guided by Ms. Price in the process of verbing a characters' lines.  After some guided practice, students were given the opporutnity to do independent practice (verbing 5 additional lines from the scene with a partner).  Help from Ms. Price (for this new concept) was offered and provided to partners upon request.  (This learning activity was a GRADE.)

Day 3:

1.)  Reviewed course requirement to attend (and write a Review) on Fall Play.  (For specifics (task sheet, rubric, helpful videos, etc.) pertaining to this assignment, click HERE.)

2.) Learned how to block a scene (To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday) by giving believable action to a character's chosen verbs ("wants") in the scene . Blocking a scene this way puts the focus of the scene on the RELATIONSHIP between the characters.)  

3.) Started watching a video on  Wants  

While watching the video, be sure to take notes on what you're learning in your CLASS NOTES Journal - WANTS. (Google Classroom).   If absent do the learning/notes on your own.

Day 4:

1.)  Reviewed course requirement to attend (and write a Review) on Fall Play.  (For specifics (task sheet, rubric, helpful videos, etc.) pertaining to this assignment, click HERE.)

2.) Finished watching a video on  Wants  

While watching the video, be sure to take notes on what you're learning in your CLASS NOTES Journal - WANTS. (Google Classroom).   If absent do the learning/notes on your own.

3.) Completed page 5 in your booklet (If absent be sure to complete on your own.)

4.) Learned about how to break a scene into actable "chunks" (beats).  (A beat is a "chunk" of a scene's action that has a specific intention.)  Learned how to name beats to see the overall flow of the relationship in the scene. 

Ms. Price taught the above concepts live in class - however, if you were ABSENT, watch Scoring a Scene (Scene Analysis)  (7:15) and respond in your Acting PROCESS Journal in in Google Classroom to the following questions:

Journal Title:  Scoring a Scene

1.) Describe the various functions of BEATS in a scene.  (What are they?  List some descriptions given.)

2.) What types of things (3 were given) should you try to identify in the second reading of a scene?

3.) When you analyze your CHARACTER in a scene, you want to analyze his/her motivations.  Motivations, as described in this video (and also last week's lessons), are best defined as what type of words? "_________ words" (or as Ms. Price described it, "actable verbs")

4.)  Define blocking.

5.)  What should blocking DO?  (Describe what the video shared, but in your own words if you can.)

6.)  What does the video say has the greatest success rate for memorizing lines?

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