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Acting:  Week 7

(October 13-16; no school Monday)

Important terms are in RED.

Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.

If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".  

DAY 1:

1.)  Rehearsed scenes (Open-Ended scenes) and reviewed RUBRIC.  (Open-Ended "Script" is in Google Classroom.)

2.)  Reflected on your artistic process for your Open-Ended Scenes.  (Complete  "Reflection #3 - Open-Ended Scene" in Google Classroom.  Answer first 3 questions.)

3.) Performed Open-Ended scenes and received class feedback.  (Note:  Be sure you've written your feedback on your Reflection #3 in Google Classroom)

4.) Reviewed Stage Terms from last class.  (from video:  "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Terms")

5.) Competed in a Review Game in preparation for the Unit Test on Friday.

HOMEWORK:  You will have a Unit Test NEXT class on the concepts and terms given in the following videos (for which you took notes in Google Classroom CLASS NOTES JOURNAL):  Types of Stages, Stage Directions, Stage Terms 

DAY 2:

1.)  Learned:  For something to be considered theatre, it must include a STORY to tell, ACTOR(S) to tell it, and an AUDIENCE to respond to it.  (This will be a question on the test.)

2.) Collaborated on ideas for next week's Spirit Week Door Decorating Contest.  (Discussed the role of "inspiration" in the idea-generating process, and took inspiration from BCHS's Christmas Door Decorations.)

3.) Toured the OHS Stage and Backstage areas, as a final "review" before the test and as an an introduction to our OHS backstage spaces.

4.) Note:  Due to Spirit Week activities, we did not take the scheduled Unit Test on Types of Stages, Stage Directions, Stage Terms. Be prepared to take this test NEXT class.

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