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Acting:  Week 1

(April 20-24, 2020)

1.)  Watch: "Welcome Back" video (above) for information on this unit.

2.)  Read:  "How to Read a Play" (be sure you understand all concepts described; we will discuss on Thursday)

3.)  Optional:  Crossword ("How to Read a Play")

4.)  Watch:  Plot

Journal:  Notes on Plot Structure (take notes under this week's date in your JOURNAL provided via Google Classroom)


Note:  Understand all big ideas but you only need to take notes on plot terms and episodic vs. climactic plot structure.  We will be discussing ideas from this video on Thursday.

5.)  Prepare:  Be ready for discussions on Thursday from this week's assignments.  The Zoom Access code is posted on Haiku.

Note:  You will get directions for your Monologue Project during Thursday's Zoom Class.

Monologue Assignment introduced / discussed at Thursday's Zoom class:

  • As described in class, instead of doing a monologue from a written play (like we usually do in our classroom setting), you will be "finding" your own.  However, it won't/can't be from a written work of fiction (like a play, novel, or online monologue source).  Instead, it will be from a real person.  Read on...

    • For this monologue assignment, you will find/put together the written words of a REAL person whose ideas, positions, values, and/or experiences are VERY different than your own.   The person's words/story must be TRUE (a real person's words) and TIMELY (current).  It also helps if the person is TRACEABLEso that you could have a conversation (if needed) with that person to better understand his/her motives and experiences.  

    • Type up the "monologue" and submit to Ms. Price by the deadline provided in Google Classroom so that she can look it over and provide feedback before you start working on rehearsing it.  Thursday's Zoom class next week will be dedicated to monologue analysis and "how to start".


  • WHERE can you find this type of "monologue"?

    • People's real words on social media (Facebook or twitter stories, or any other social media post or conversation)

    • You could interview someone who has an experience that differs greatly from anything you've experienced to learn more about what they've been through.  (If you choose this option, be sure to have the interviewee's permission and record the interview so you have their REAL words for your monologue.)

    • Anywhere on the internet that you can find real people's stories.  What would you search?  Maybe FIRST think about topics that you find controversial, or experiences you can't imagine having.  THEN search those topics. 

    • Advice:  Think of this activity like a scavenger hunt, NOT "finding a monologue".  The monologue doesn't exist yet...only the words that are the makings of a monologue you will create/find/stitch together.

  • HOW LONG should it be?​

    • 1 minute minimum of content (at speaking pace)​​

  • WHEN is it due to Google Classroom?

    • 3rd hour:  Monday, April 27 by 9 a.m.​ (to give Ms. Price time to read/provide feedback)

    • 4th hour:  Wednesday, April 29 by 9 a.m. (to give Ms. Price time to read/provide feedback)

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