Adv. Acting: Week 2
(August 30-Sept 2, 2021)
The Creative Process / Creative Collaboration
DAY 1:
1.) Observed photos from past Adv. acting shows in the Black Box, and discussed:
What did you notice...
about how the SPACE IS USED?
about the DESIGN? (set, costumes, lighting, props, etc.)
2.) Discussed: What do you see as the PROCESS of creating and/or the process of creativity?
3.) Discussed the creative process in relation to producing our own show this semester. (Goal vs. Task)
DAY 2:
1.) Discussed the option of "Script Club" as a class.
2.) Discussed the GENRE or STYLE of show we'd like to do as a class. The class listed the following:
visceral intimacy
abnormal for High School (to attempt)
3.) Spent time exploring/discussing each of the above "directions" for a possible show.
DAYS 3-4:
1.) Discussed show dates: Week of December 6-10, 2021, which will include:
1 full after-school dress rehearsal
1 full after-school tech rehearsal
2 show days/nights
(discussed preferences for number of performances)
2.) Listened to 3 different clips of music that Ms. Price feels "evoke" the class' desired genre/style of show to perform. Students listed "feeling" words for what the music evoked in them personally. The class shared their words, and Ms. Price created a master list.
3.) Creatively collaborated: Using the "feeling words" and styles shared in class (see Day 2), students created (in groups) scenes for each clip of music.