Adv. Acting: Week 8
(October 12-14; Fall Break Week)
Set Design & Show's Design Teams
DAY 1:
1.) Reviewed the 5 phases of a Director's Process:
Phase 1: Script Analysis (includes script study, character study, design process, research, formulating a Director's Concept, etc.)
Phase 2: Collaboration Process (includes communication with, & organization of, teams that will be working on the show; includes sharing vision, style, design, etc.)
Phase 3: Audition & Casting Process
Phase 4: Rehearsal Process
Phase 5: Dress / Tech / Performance (when show is turned over to the SM)
3.) Taped out the set design on the black box floor
4.) Conducted individual research for the show.
Reminder of Design Teams:
Costumes =
Props =
Set =
Make-up/Hair =
Sound =
Lighting =
DAY 2:
1.) Finished taping out the set
2.) Conducted design research for the show
Find in your script (highlight) all the needs that should be considered in your design area (with page #s and notes).
Consider how each thing (in your design area) must be used, or play, or function on stage.
After your discovery phase (after reading the script again), organize your findings in the Design Spreadsheet provided by Ms. Price in Google Classroom.
DAY 3:
1.) Finished design research from last class
2.) Conducted add'l research helpful to the show:
3.) Discussed research findings as a class