Stagecraft: Week 2
(February 5-9, 2024)
Important terms are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all learning activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".
Day 1: Tool Tutorials (con't)
1.) Reviewed: Before any set building begins, scenic designers envision/design the "world of the play" (what the musical/play should "feel" like & then what it should look like based on the director/designer's interpretation of the show).
2.) Discussed who builds the scenic designers' visions (Set Construction Supervisor with Crew of builders, painters, and artisans). In order to effectively work in a scene shop, you need to...
work together as a team
work safely, quickly, and to a designer's plan
know some stage basics
know the proper tools and their uses
3.) Reviewed the names of various tools (See "Fastening Tools" page & "Measuring & Cutting Tools" If absent LAST CLASS, be sure to fill in the names of these tools in your CLASS NOTES in Google Classroom from LAST WEEK.
4.) Learned the names of various types of wood used to create scenery in theatre.
5.) Went to the scene shop and FINISHED learning about various Fastening & Cutting Tools/Tasks while in rotating groups:
1/3 class with Sam: How to Fasten 1x4's at right angles (tools: air compressor, air stapler, square, etc.)
1/3 class with KP: How to use a Chop/Mitre Saw (tools: chop saw, carpenter's square, tape measure, etc.)
1/3 class with John: Drills & Impact Drivers
If you were absent LAST CLASS, you must make up this learning today. (Time was given for students who missed tool tutorials last class to make up those skills today.)
Day 2: Types of Stages
1.) Reviewed: In theatre, we want to elicit an audience response (make them feel a certain way) when we create the "world of the play".
2.) Discussed how the TYPE of performance space (stage) used impacts the WAY a set is designed/used.
3.) Learned about the 4 different types of performance spaces (stages) by watching KP's Theatre Class - Types of Stages (click on link) and taking notes (use CLASS NOTES in Google Classroom - "Types of Stages"). If absent, be sure to watch the video and take notes in Google Classroom.
(Students who were absent for skill tutorial days finished their skill tutorials in the scene shop.)
4.) Observed/Analyzed various photos of shows performed in OHS's Black Box Theatre.
Days 3: Stage Terms
1.) Reviewed types of wood used to build flats/platforms, as well as what the frames & surfaces of flats/platforms are made of.
2.) Learned about "legging" platforms (2x4 legs can be added to platforms to create different size levels on stage). Learned about wagons (platforms to which casters/wheels are added so that they can move around on stage). Learned that sets that stay in place the whole show (like full rooms, etc.) are called unit or box sets.
3.) Learned about 2 different types of flats: Broadway & Hollywood flats
Broadway flats: are flat (1x4 lays flat) and covered in muslin
Hollywood flats: 1x4 is "on edge" and covered with luan
See/fill in Class Notes in Google Classroom on FLATS & PLATFORMS
4.) Learned that the supports on platforms (underneath the plywood) are called joists. (These are what provide structural support to make them load-bearing.)
3.) Learned about various stage terms by watching KP's Theatre Class - Stage Terms (click on link) and taking notes (use CLASS NOTES in Google Classroom - "Stage Terms"). If absent, be sure to watch the video and take notes in Google Classroom.
Days 4: Review of all stage terms
1.) Announcement: You will have a QUIZ next Friday on:
Types of Stages
Stage Terms
Building Flats/Platforms
2.) Reviewed: flats & platforms, Hollywood vs. Broadway flats, legs, wagons, etc.
3.) Learned that well built platforms are kept as stock to be re-used in upcoming shows.
4.) Reviewed types of things hung for a Proscenium stage: main, border, legs, drops (backdrops).
5.) Learned about additional things hung on a Proscenium stage: cyclorama & scrim
Cyc(lorama): a large white fabric drop hung upstage that can be lit any color (creates a feeling of expansiveness)
Scrim: a screen-like curtain that when put downstage of actors can create opaque, translucent, or semi-translucent looks on stage.
If absent, be sure to add these terms to your Google Classroom CLASS NOTES page: Cyclorama & Scrim
6.) Participated in a Photo Hunt (with a partner) of terms learned so far in Stagecraft in order to have a hands-on review for the upcoming quiz. (Photo Hunt is located in Google Classroom and you/your partner will receive a grade. Consult your notes as needed.)