Stagecraft: Week 13 - VIRTUAL
(November 23-24 - Happy Thanksgiving!)
Important terms/concepts/info are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
This week's self-directed learning (to be completed by class on 11/24):
1. Read the ASSIGNMENT for your final Stagecraft Project HERE. (Read BOTH pages in their entirety. We will begin our projects the week after Thanksgiving.)
2. Read the RUBRIC for your upcoming Final Stagecraft Project HERE. (This will be the rubric for your set designs & presentation.)
3. Listen to the opening numbers from your choice of FIVE of the musicals listed below. Try to determine what the music FEELS like, (even when there are no lyrics) and then try to determine what the MEANING/STORY/THEME is from just the opening number (from the lyrics). Respond in Google Classroom (Assignment: Intro to Musical Design Project). It is recommended that you respond on your Google Classroom assignment WHILE listening to the numbers (since the musical mood may shift/change throughout).
Once on this Island (Setting: the French Antilles in the Caribbean Sea)
Hunchback of Notre Dame - listen to at least 5:00 (Setting: Paris, 1482)
Fiddler on the Roof - listen to at least to 3:05 (Setting: a Jewish Settlement in Imperial Russia around 1905)
Footloose - listen to at least 5:07 (Setting: the fictitious town of 'Bomont' in the early 1980's)
Little Shop of Horrors (Setting: Skid Row in New York; early 1960's)
Blood Brothers - listen to 3:42 (Setting: 1960's England)
Secret Garden (Setting: 1901 British Occupied India > Yorkshire England; Mary Lennox is orphaned after her parents perish from cholera (India) and she is sent to live at her uncle Lord Archibald Craven's mansion in England)
*REMEMBER: The music's mood ("feels like") ALWAYS impacts design. In musicals, the music drives certain design decisions (just as much as "setting" does).
4. Choose a musical (from the above list) that you'd like to READ and DESIGN A SET for. Indicate your choice on the bottom of your Intro to Musical Design Project assignment in Google Classroom.
This week's ZOOM class:
Tuesday, November 24 @ 12:30 (Attendance REQUIRED, but you only have to stay in the Zoom session if you didn't complete LAST WEEK'S assignments/projects by last Friday, November 20, or THIS WEEK'S assignment by class time on 11/24.
Where will we go from here?
While learning about the Design Process, you will read a script - from the list of musicals above - and then design your own musical set for two of the musical's scenes and the transition between the scenes.