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Stagecraft Week 15  
(November 27 - December 1; No school Thurs.)

Important terms/concepts/info are in RED.

Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.

Ms. Price provides ALL learning for absent students in a self-directed formatIf absent, read & understand/complete each of the day's activities below. 

You are EXPECTED to keep up with what's going on in class.


1.  Reviewed the process of scenic design.  (Read Script > Interpret Script > Research/Inspiration, etc.)

2.  Ms. Price helped students interpret their own scripts by completing activities focused on getting to the "heart" of the show.  If absent, answer these questions to help you summarize YOUR interpretation of the show:

  1. Whose "story" is it?  Who "wins"?  Who "loses"?

  2. What is the HEART of the show?

  3. What do you want the FEEL of the show to be?

  4. Is there a STYLE that feels right?  (based on the time period, music, characters, or setting?

3. Ms. Price gave an example (along with images) of how HER interpretation of the fall play script led to the scenic design of the show.  For example...

  • What she researched (the various looks of cottages in the woods, for example)

  • Where she found inspiration (specific inspiration images)

  • The style she arrived at (fairy tale-esque)

  • The perceived heart of the show (finding self while finding home)

  • The feeling she wanted the play to have (playful & imaginative - sometimes magical & surreal)

4.  Ms. Price showed how a director/designer's INTERPRETATION of a script and her/his DESIGN CONCEPT can greatly change the overall look of the show.  (She showed 14 different examples - from other performances - of the design of OUR fall play.  What was on stage for each production was vastly different in look/style/feel.)

4.  Discussed:   Research vs. Inspiration

Research is what you LEARN from wanting to know more 

Inspiration is what you FIND that sparks your OWN creativity/ideas


*Research is the FIRST STEP in "coming up with ideas".

7.  Began research in order to find INSPIRATION for your own scenic designs (Collect research/inspiration to your Google Classroom assignment entitled Scenic Research (Musical Design Project)  

Ms. Price shared what she would be researching for this year's show (The Little Mermaid):  

  • Time period & location of original Little Mermaid fairy tales

  • Sea creatures

  • ships of the time period

  • Triton / Poseidon mythology & imagery


1.  Reviewed the process of scenic design.  (Read Script > Interpret Script > Research/Inspiration, etc.)

2.  Watched a video about Scenic Research  (if absent, watch HERE)

3. Students continued their own Research / Inspiration hunts for their scenic designs.  Students must be sure to  collect research/inspiration in Google Classroom  - assignment entitled Scenic Research (Musical Design Project   (If absent, be sure to do this assignment BEFORE you return so you don't get behind!)

  • Remember, EVERYONE does their OWN research/inspiration hunts.  This is NOT a group activity (although you can come together as a group to discuss what you found).  

Day 3:  Choose Scenes to Design / Scene's NEEDS

1.  Reviewed the process of scenic design.  (Read Script > Interpret Script > Research/Inspiration, etc.)

2. Watched a teaching video about how to go from NEEDS to RESEARCH/INSPIRATION  (if absent, watch HERE

3. Watched and discussed professionals' process in determining the NEEDS for a set, and their specific design choices based on those needs  (if absent, watch Mary Poppins Set Design HERE)

4. Worked on an assignment in Google Classroom (Title:  Scenes/Locales & Script Needs).  If absent, FOLLOW DIRECTIONS for this assignment at the top of Tabs 1 & 2.  Examples are given by Ms. Price for The Little Mermaid in Tab 2 & 3.  If absent, you MUST complete this assignment before next class so that you don't fall further behind in the process.

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