Stagecraft Week 8: What's BACK there?
(Lighting & Stage Managers)
March 15-19, 2021 (VIRTUAL)
Important terms are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".
DAY 1: (see schedule @ bottom of page)
1.) Chose an area (from the IB Learner Profile) to individually focus on this week. (Complete this under Week 8 in your REFLECTION JOURNAL in Google Classroom.)
2.) Watch a video (WICKED Lighting: Lighting Plot 3:27) and respond to the questions below in your REFLECTION JOURNAL in Google Classroom. (Be sure to pause when needed.)
Journal Title: Wicked Lighting
On what was the lighting design in this show based? (What was the designer's concept?)
What did the designer do with his ideas AFTER he developed them?
What is a lighting plot? (Describe it so you understand it later.)
Who "engineers" the lighting designer's design? (Who hangs the fixtures, focuses the lights, puts in gels/gobos, etc. from the designer's light plot?)
What's one thing you found interesting from the clips/design shared in this video?
3.) Read all of the following:
We will be starting a new unit this week: WHAT'S BACK THERE?
If you went backstage during a production, what might you see? What types of people would you see doing what types of jobs?
running/deck crew helping to "power" all the scene changes and "magic" that happens during a show;
props hand-offs and preparation;
the "coordination" of entire crews following a stage manager's cues
4.) Watch a video (Working Backstage at Aladdin The Musical 4:01)and respond to the questions below in your REFLECTION JOURNAL in Google Classroom. (Be sure to pause when needed.)
Journal Title: Technical Director & Load-in
For what is a technical director responsible?
A technical director ALSO looks after the direction backstage. What, specifically, does this involve (list)?
Describe one thing (be specific) that you found interesting or learned while watching this video.
DAY 2:
1.) Learn about the role of a Stage Manager (SM). Watch a video (Working in Theatre: Stage Manager 3:47) and respond to the questions below in your REFLECTION JOURNAL in Google Classroom. (Be sure to pause when needed.)
Journal Title: Role of a Stage Manager
What does a stage manager DO? (List at least 4-5 things listed at the beginning of the video.)
What does a stage manager DO in Pre-Production?
What does a stage manager DO during the Rehearsal Process?
Who is in charge in the Rehearsal Room?
Who is in charge once a show moves to the Theatre space?
What does a stage manager do once the show opens?
According to the stage manager featured in this video, what "gets you to the table" when life gives you a possible opportunity?
2.) Watch a teaching video (5:00) made by Ms. Price that discusses additional roles of a Stage Manager (SM) & also introduces types of Props. Respond to the questions below in your REFLECTION JOURNAL in Google Classroom. (Be sure to pause when needed.)
Journal Title: SM & Props
According to the video, what is a callboard and what is it used for?
In what ways do Stage Managers prepare the rehearsal space?
What is spike tape used for?
What is a groundplan?
What is gaff tape used for?
What is glow tape used for?
Name and describe the 4 types of props that are used in rehearsals/productions.
What do you notice about the organization of the props tables featured in the teaching video?
3.) Watch two videos of SM's "calling cues" during a show (watch at least 90 seconds of each). Respond to the questions below in your REFLECTION JOURNAL in Google Classroom.
Journal Title: SM's calling cues
What, specifically, do you notice about HOW each SM calls cues during a production?
What do you notice about WHAT each SM was watching while calling the show?
What SKILLS do you think are needed to "call" a show well?
4.) Complete your end-of-week reflection for this week (bottom of this week's page in your Google Classroom - REFLECTION JOURNAL.)
Go Deeper (Optional):
Additional Videos on Stage Management: