Stagecraft Week 9: What's BACK there?
(Stage Managers, Props Masters)
March 22-26, 2021
Important terms are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".
DAY 1:
1.) Reflected on individual goal from last week. (Be sure to answer the "end of week" reflection under Week 8 in your REFLECTION JOURNAL in Google Classroom.)
2.) Chose an area (from the IB Learner Profile) to individually focus on this week. (If Absent, be sure to complete this under Week 9 in your REFLECTION JOURNAL in Google Classroom. Discussed the class focus of PROBLEM-SOLVING for this week.
3.) Watched a video (Problem Solving in Mary Poppins).
4.) Discussed the next focus of WHAT'S BACK THERE?
5.) Discussed the process of finding/documenting props for a production.
If you had to make/gather props for a show, what's the FIRST thing you would need to do? (Read the script)
How would you KEEP TRACK of what you need to make/gather after reading the script? (Make a props spreadsheet/list) NOTE: We observed a props list and what's included on it, such as page numbers, item(s) needed, quantity needed, & any special notes about that prop, etc.
After creating a props list, what might be the NEXT STEP? (make or find all props needed)
6.) Watched a video (Props Masters 2:10-10:26) and responded in REFLECTION JOURNAL (Journal Title: Finding/Gathering Props) about 3 things you learned about props masters from the video.
7.) Discussed/Reviewed what was learned last week about Tech Directors & Stage Managers.
"spiking a set"
spike tape
gaff tape
glow tape
8.) Watched an additional video of an SM "calling a show" and analyzed both the calls & the scene shifts.
9.) Learned about how SM's "spike" sets using groundplans (a scaled drawing of the stage/set).
10.) Learned how to use a scale ruler and work "in scale". (If ABSENT, read this handout and Ms. Price will work with you next class on this required skill for Stagecraft.)
11.) Problem-solved with partners to create a groundplan of the OHS stage (to be used later when designing a set).
DAY 2:
1.) Watched a video (SM's: What do they do?) and responded in REFLECTION JOURNAL (Journal Title: New things I learned about SM's) about 3 NEW things you learned about stage managers from this video.
2.) Reviewed how SM's "spike" sets using a groundplan (a scaled drawing of the stage/set).
3.) Reviewed how to work in scale using a scale ruler. This is a REQUIRED skill to master in this class. For more information click HERE. (This is also available in your Google Classroom CLASS NOTES.)
4.) Ms. Price explained the next two projects:
Project #1: Create a groundplan of the OHS stage (which will be used later in the semester when you design a set)
This project requires you to work in scale (1/2" scale) using the actual measurements of the OHS stage to create a scaled "blueprint" of the stage. Your groundplan should include the center line, plaster line, legs, and apron.
Project #2: Find/Make Props & Create a Props Table
This project requires you to find props (in the OHS Props room) from a list of props you'll receive from Ms. Price. You will then create a backstage props table to display your props, using techniques shared in class.
5.) Students worked in pairs on their groundplans.
Once complete, students were given a scale MASTERY test, which must be passed. (This is a required stagecraft skill.)
Once done with the mastery test, students were then given the opportunity to begin the work of planning and gathering props for their props tables.
Go Deeper (Optional):
Additional Videos on Special Effects on Stage:
Special Effects in Wicked
Making it Rain in Theatre (3:35)
Working in Theatre: Magic (23:11)
How Beetlejuice on Broadway Creates Jaw-Dropping Magic (4:19)
Additional Videos on Stage Management:
Additional Videos on Props:
Props in Hamilton (Role of Props Master)
Why Props Matter (Props in Film)