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This Unit in Stagecraft:


Day 1:    Introduction to Stagecraft

  • Ms. Price led students in getting-to-know you activities.

  • Discussed the purpose of the course:  1.) to learn technical theatre and design through DOING it (learn then DO) and 2.) to be the student group responsible for the Oxford theatre and events (this semester).

  • Discussed differing roles of Ms. Price (teacher/director) and Mr. Gutkowski / John (scene shop supervisors)

  • Discussed how this course will give students many life/transferrable skills (tools, communication, problem-solving, creativity, etc.)

  • Students watched a video that showed what happens backstage during a large production and completed a handout about what surprised them, intrigued them, etc.

  • Students took a quick tour of the theatre spaces (main theatre / backstage / costume room / props room / dressing rooms / scene shop, etc.)


Assignment:  Bring paint clothes for the scene shop - it's best to bring in clothes that can go OVER your existing outfit (example - large button-down shirt that can go over your shirt, and sweat pants that can pull over your jeans/pants)



Day 2:   Theatrical Design on Stage

  • Students received a Syllabus and discussed the course schedule.  (To print syllabus go back to Stagecraft course page.)

  • Students filled out a survey regarding their areas of interest in this course (example:  set-building, painting, designing, electrical work, lighting, board op, etc.)

  • Students were given a pre-loaded class folder in which all class handouts, projects and rubrics will be kept.  (Ms. Price explained each part of the folder and that students must bring to class DAILY.)  

  • Students participated in another name game to get to know eachother.  ("name dropping")

  • In-Class Assignment:  Students completed a "Gallery Walk" in which they looked at 30 different photos from moments on stage (from various shows) and reflected on what dramatic elements made the moment on stage interesting/intriguing.  Students shared out with the group.

  • Discussed:  As designers, and technicians in theatre, we always want to elicit audience response by effectively and creatively creating the "world of the play".  (This "world" may be designed as literal or figurative, but either way, it's the designer's  job to create that "world" effectively.)  

  • Discussed:  As designers in theatre, 1.)  we must work within our given "space", 2.) there are different types of performance "spaces", and 3.) the "space" impacts HOW the story is told on stage.


Assignment:  Get your syllabus signed by parents; Also, bring paint clothes for the scene shop - it's best to bring in clothes that can go OVER your existing outfit (example - large button-down shirt and sweat pants that can pull over your jeans/pants)

Day 3:    Types of Stages

  • Played a Name Game as a class

  • Debrief:  Gallery Walk (from yesterday)

  • Watched a video about types of theatre spaces ("KP's Theatre Class - Types of Stages") and took NOTES. (Watch if absent - the notes are also in the center section of your Stagecraft folder.)

  • Reviewed:  All black box theatres are "flexible" stages, but not all flexible stages are black box.  Viewed a gallery of show photos from Oxford High School's black box theatre, and discussed how the space was arranged for each, including The Crucible, Our Town, Animal Farm, Fools, and Lost in Yonkers.  (Click for photos of each.) 


Day 4:    Roles in the Scene Shop

  • Opening Activty:  Equilateral Triangle

  • Reviewed types of stages that we learned about yesterday.

  • Did an activity as a class:  "Trust Walk"

  • In-Class Assignment:  De-briefed activity individually (Handout) and as a group (Discussion) about how the activity applies to this course/working in a scene shop.  Discussed importance of communication and trust...and how you can develop each in this course.


Complete Trust Walk Handout (if you haven't already)


Day 5:   Stage Terms

  • Ms. Price passed out playing cards & collected paint clothes as students entered the room.  (Students were asked to Sharpie marker their name on their clothes or on blue tape...IF YOU DID NOT BRING PAINT CLOTHES, BRING ASAP!)

  • Students turned in homework (signed syllabus)

  • Students partnered up with their playing card "match" and discussed their answers to the Trust Walk Handout & also did an activity with their partner from a reading packet provided in their folders (packet includes both review and NEW terms).

  • Watched ("KP's Theatre Class - Stage Terms") and took NOTES.  (Watch and take notes if absent - notes are in the center section of your Stagecraft folder).


If you haven't already, get your syllabus signed by parents and bring in your paint clothes!  

Day 6:   Stage Terms

  • Ms. Price reviewed Stage Terms from yesterday's video (with both visual and movement activities.)

  • New terms discussed (from yesterday's reading packet:  props table, stage directions, cyc(lorama), scrim, platform, and wagons

  • Ms. Price introduced "Stage Directions" and students practiced stage directions in groups.

  • The class took a tour of the STAGE & SCENE SHOP - with a focus on locating the above new terms.

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