This Unit in Stagecraft:
Day 1: Stage Lighting Basics
Asked students: If you were to look UP in any part of a theatre (backstage and/or house), what would you see? The next unit is focused on those things.
Reviewed names of curtains (main, border, legs, etc.) as well as "scrim" & "cyc", and discussed FLY LINES that are used to bring all of those things IN and OUT on a proscenium stage.
Reviewed names of pipes (battens, electrics) that hang in the fly loft.
Introduced LIGHTING basics and watched a brief video on the Role of Lighting Designers (for the Broadway show, Billy Elliot). Watch video HERE. Students wrote down what they learned on a Handout (click HERE or get from your Stagecraft folder). Discussed what was interesting, surprising, or educational from the video.
Introduced students to a "Lighting Plot" (what it's meant to communicate, how it's used, what the symbols mean, etc.)
Students were given a handout with various Lighting Fixtures illustrated. (Click HERE or get from your Stagecraft folder.)
Learned about gels and were given gel books to look through various gel colors.
Discussed creating "warm" vs. "cool" light and what "feelings" each evokes.
Learned about the 3 primary roles of a Lighting Designer:
1.) Light the actor
2.) Show the time of day / setting
3.) Create the Mood
John gave a brief lighting lesson showing each type of fixture and how it functions. (Ellipsoidal, Par Can, LED Par & LED Strip Lights, Scoops, Cyc Lights, and others)
Day 2: Fly Lines & Electrics
Reviewed: gels, names of lighting fixtures, 3 main roles of lighting designers
Learned about gobos and the effects they can create with lighting
Analyzed / Discussed: The MOOD created by the direction and color of light used (did this by looking at various stage pictures and discussing as a class)
Went to the theatre: 1/2 of the class worked with KP on learning how to safely run fly lines & 1/2 the class worked with John/G on the electrics, learning how to change a gel (and other lighting fixture parts and basics)
Groups switched (the 1/2 that was with KP sent to John/G & the half that was with John/G went to KP)
Safety: Reviewed "calls" and how to follow them working at the fly lines.
In-Class Assignment: Running fly lines & changing a gel are required in-class assignments for all students. (If you were absent today, watch the following videos: Theatre Fly System & Lighting: Gels / Gel Frames & Lighting: Hang/Focus Light Fixture)
Day 3: Lighting & the Stage
Reviewed: gels, gobos, names of lighting fixtures, 3 main roles of lighting designers
Watched a video: "How a Broadway Show 'Lights the Lights'" and completed Handout. (Students were introduced to the following new lighting terms: master electrician, conventional lights, moving lights, shutters, "wash", deck electrician, practicals, smoke/foggers, c-clamps, data cables, main console [and backup], dimmer, & iris)
Went to the theatre: 1/2 went to the catwalks to look at light fixtures & complete a Handout (with a partner) & 1/2 the class went to the stage to measure it & complete a HANDOUT (with partner). When done, groups switched (if time). Note: Measuring the stage will be for a future lighting design project. (Students will create a scaled groundplan.)
Any student who has not yet learned how to use fly lines or change a gel must do so asap! (Please see Ms. Price if you missed that day or did not have a turn to try. This is a required assignment.)
Day 4: Analyzing Lighting Design / Measuring the Stage
Reviewed: lighting terms
Watched a video: "Sound & Light Board Operators" and completed Handout.
Analyzed as a Class: Lighting design in 3 different theatre productions (the MEANING/MOOD created with lighting)
Students were given their next : To create a mini-lighting design for a story that they create. Each group was given a genre for their story (mystery, fantasy, romantic comedy, science fiction, horror) and the lead "character" in their story (an egg)
Went to the theatre & finished yesterday's activity: 1/2 went to the catwalks to look at light fixtures & complete a HANDOUT (with a partner) & 1/2 the class went to the stage to measure it & complete a Handout (with partner) in order to create a groundplan for the lighting design project described today.
Day 5: Learning to Work in "Scale"
Reviewed: In groups, you will be creating a mini-lighting design for a story.
Discussed: You must first create a groundplan for your design. (Ms. Price explained what a groundplan is and how it's used in theatre design & staging)
Reviewed important terms for creating groundplan: plaster line, center line, apron
Students were asked to take out their measurements of our OHS stage from last class' activity (Handout)
Discussed: In order to create a scaled drawing of the stage/set (groundplan), you must have the REAL stage measurements, and then "scale them down" to create a scaled drawing of the stage.
Discussed: In order create a scaled drawing of the stage, you must first learn how to work "in scale" and a scale ruler will help you do this.
Ms. Price taught students how to use a scale ruler, assisting students one-on-one as needed. For additional instructions, use your Scale Ruler Handout (which is also in your folder). If you missed class, you can watch a youtube tutorial HERE. You MUST prove mastery on the scale ruler for a grade, so be sure you don't miss out on learning this skill and ask for help when you need it!
Students were given time to practice working in scale, and to begin their groundplans (in pairs) - if time.
Day 6: Creating a Groundplan
Reviewed: Working in scale (If you are AT ALL confused, see Ms. Price. Mastery is REQUIRED.)
Students were given time to work (in pairs) to finish their groundplans.
ASSESSMENT: Students could take their Scale Mastery Test today, if desired (must complete before the end of the unit)
Day 7: Creating a Furniture Plan / Lighting Design Exploration
Students were given time to finish (in pairs) their groundplans, and to add furniture or scenery to their groundplan if the story warranted it.
Students were given time to work in their groups to create a story and lighting design. Time was given to explore with angles, direction, and color of lighting, etc.
Days 8 -9: Finish Lighting Design / Present Lighting Design Scenes
Students were given time to work in their groups to FINISH their story and lighting design.
ASSESSMENT: Students shared their stories / designs with the class. (Graded on IB Criterion C: Thinking Creatively)
Days 10-11: From Theory to Stage
Watched a video: "Special Effects Designer" and completed Handout.
In Class Assignment: Students went from theory (their mini-lighting design project) to reality by learning (from John/G) how to begin the process of lighting the stage, including the following skills:
cutting gels and putting them in frames
putting gel frames in fixtures
focusing a fixture
using shutters
creating "pools of light" on stage
programming lights
(how to change a bulb)
Supplemental (Going Beyond) Information:
To learn more about LIGHTING for the Stage:
Inspiring Videos:
Video: Designing a Projected Landscape
Video: Angels in America | Flying the Angel (a non-traditional way to fly actors)