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Acting:  Week 14
(May 1-5, 2023)

Important topics/terms/instructions are in RED.

Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.

Ms. Price provides ALL learning for absent students in a self-directed format.

If absent, read & understand/complete each of the day's activities below.  You are EXPECTED to do so BEFORE returning to class.

Day 1:  Subtext > Verbs


1.) Reviewed the W's of scene analysis:

  • What is going on?  (both on the surface and BENEATH the surface)

  • Why is this scene happening?  (What part(s) of the relationship are important to show?)

  • Where is the scene taking place?  (How does this impact the scene?)

  • Wants? (What is each character trying to do to the other character with his/her words? Express the want as a verb:  "My character wants to ___________ him/her")

2.) Reviewed the beats (and beat titles) that the class chose for the scene from To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday. (See last week for a recap on "Beats" and "naming beats" if these terms are unfamiliar to you.) 


3.)  Practiced "verbing" a character's lines (girls versed 5 significant Rachel lines & guys versed 5 significant David lines).  Note: this in-class assignment is a grade even if you're absent.  See Ms. Price

  • Remember: In acting, we define WANTS as VERBS 

  • Q: What does my character want to do TO the other character with these words?

  • A:  My character wants to ___________ him/her (insert actable verb)

  • Note:  If you make the verb about YOURSELF it won't speak to the subtext of the scene.  Instead determine what you're trying to do TO the other character with your words.  Choose a verb that is actable and focused on the RELATIONSHIP.

4.) Students partnered up and tried to give ACTION to the (actable) verbs they chose for their 5 significant moments.  (Remember, making a scene believable requires that you focus on the subtext of the scene.  Choosing and acting out believable verbs is the first step in this process.)  

Day 2:  W's

1.) Discussed how your final Summative Grades require both ANALYSIS / INTERPRETATION and CREATIVE ACTION (which is mirrored in the activity we just did at the end of yesterday's class.)  

  • You must first analyze/interpret a scene which then informs your action in the scene.  

  • You are not graded on how well you memmorize, recite, or emote.  (You could do that the day you walked in my class.)  

  • Instead you're graded on your choices about the subtext of the scene, and how well you show those choices through the interactions in your scene.

  • Summative Rubric 1:  Knowing & Understanding (can you make interpretive choices for the subtext of the scene & characters)

  • Summative Rubric 2:  Thinking Creatively (can you show those choices through the believable interactions in your scene)

2.)  Received a booklet to guide you through the process of learning how to stage/block a scene with believable characters.  (If absent  be sure to ask Ms. Price for a booklet when you return.)

3.) Completed page 4 (W's), then page 3 (why you chose your scene) in your booklet.    If absent be sure to complete on your own.

Day 3: (Carnival / Sub / No required learning for today)

Day 4: Set Choices / Character Wants

1.)  Reviewed:  Last class completed pg 3-4 in scene booklet (be sure you have that complete)

2.) Discussed:  What did you learn from your "research" about the story/characters in your scene that will help you play your character more believably?

3.)  Discussed:  Where is YOUR scene taking place?  (Or where COULD it be taking place?  What did you learn in your "research" of the play that could help you with this choice?)

4.) Discussed:  You can't begin blocking a scene without first knowing what?  (Set)

5.) Completed pg 8 in booklet (Set choices)

6.) Reviewed how to verb a character's wants/lines and how that translates to the blocking (movement) in the scene.

7.) Practiced verbing YOUR character's lines in YOUR scene (Choose 3 significant lines that your character says in your scene, and do the following: 

  • Ask yourself: What does my character want to do TO the other character with these words?

  • Respond with:  My character wants to ___________ him/her (insert actable verb)

  • Note:  If you make the verb about YOURSELF it won't speak to the subtext of the scene, or the relationship in the scene.  Instead determine what you're trying to do TO the other character with your words.  Choose a verb that is actable and focused on the RELATIONSHIP.

8.) Completed page 5 in your scene booklet.  (Page 5 will guide you in the verbing process; If absent be sure to complete on your own.)

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