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Acting:  Week 5
(February 26 - March 1, 2024)

Important terms are in RED.

Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.

If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".  

DAY 2:  Motivated Movement / Performance

(Day 1 cancelled due to threat)



  • You MUST attend the OHS musical and complete a Summative Review of the show.  Please make plans now to attend.  (Limited free student tickets for opening night are available at the box office.) For more information go to

  • You will have a Summative Test (IB Criterion A:  Knowing & Understanding) in on Wednesday, Feb. 28 (date changed) on the concepts and terms learned from the following videos (for which you took notes in Google Classroom):  

  1. Types of Stages,

  2. Stage Directions,

  3. Stage Terms

1.) Reviewed some Stage terms learned last class (from the Video Stage Terms).  If you were absent, be sure to watch this video and take notes in your Google Classroom CLASS NOTES Journal.


2.) Re-visited the term "motivated movement" and what it means when Acting.  

3.) Participated in refining ideas for next performance: "Open-Ended Scene #2" (found in Google Classroom).  Focused on ways to show motivated movement while rehearsing scene options (led by Ms. Price).

  • Journaled (Google Classroom PROCESS Journal) about 3 specific ways YOU can IMPROVE your open-ended scene.  (Title:  "3 ways to improve my open-ended scene")  Think about motivation, specific choices, and also your previous audience feedback.

4.) Rehearsed (briefly) the scene option that you and your partner want to perform for feedback/grade.  (See Open Ended Scene #2 in Google Classroom.)

5.) Completed Reflection #3 in Google Classroom (questions 1-3).

6.) Performed scenes and received student feedback.  (Performers recorded their feedback on Reflection #3 in Google Classroom (questions 4-5).

7.)  If time:  Took a tour of the stage.

DAY 3: Stage Tour / Review Games

1.)  Announcements:  See important announcements at the top of this page!)


2.) Participated in a Stage Tour led by Ms. Price where we reviewed all new terms both on and around the OHS stage/theatre.

3.) Played a review competition game as a class (winning team earned extra credit on tomorrow's test which is scheduled for TOMORROW.



DAY 4: Summative (Unit 1) Test 

1.)  Announcements:  See important announcements at the top of this page!)

2.) Discussed yesterday's stage tour as a class.  (What did you LEARN?  Why does a theatre deserve respect?  What opportunities - beyond acting - could exist for you in the theatre?)

3.) Discussed: For something to be theatre, you must have a story to tell, actor(s) to tell it, and an audience to respond to it.

4.) Demonstrated Knowledge & Understanding of stage/theatre basics by taking Unit 1 Test.  If absent, you MUST take tomorrow!

DAY 4: Help the Play Day (cancelled due to Monday's threat and schedule shift)  

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