Acting: Week 7
(March 6-10, 2023)
Important terms are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".
DAY 1: (Circle Time)
DAY 2: Review for Test
1.) Reviewed new stage terms learned last class by taking a stage tour of the Performing Arts Center.
2.) Played a review game as a class in preparation for Unit 1 test.
HOMEWORK: You will have a Summative Test (IB Criterion A: Knowing & Understanding) TOMORROW on the concepts and terms learned from the following videos (study your CLASS NOTES in Google Classroom):
DAY 3: Test
1.) Learned: For something to be considered theatre, it must include a STORY to tell, ACTOR(S) to tell it, and an AUDIENCE to respond to it. (This will be a question on the test.)
2.) Demonstrated knowledge/understanding by taking a test on stage terms & stage directions learned in Acting.
** Remember: If you want a Re-take on Types of Stages, Stage Directions, Stage Terms talk to Ms. Price and complete (on your own time) before FRIDAY!
DAY 4: Help the Play Day