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Acting:  Week 1

(January 25-29, 2021)

Important topics and terms are in RED.

Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.

If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".  

DAY 1:

1.)  Participated in "Welcome Back" activities in class.  (Learning about eachother and the art of Acting)

2.)  Discussed class goals for the first few weeks.

  • To have fun

  • To get out of your comfort zone

  • To learn to think like an artist

3.)  Accepted your invitation to our Google Classroom (class code given in class or see your e-mail for an invitation)

4.)  Created your own Introduction slides to share with others.  (Assignment is in Google Classroom and is entitled "Getting to Know You")


5.) Paired up and introduced yourselves to others with the slide presentation you created.  Partners introduced each other to the class.

6.) Played name games as a class, led by Ms. Price.

7.) (Due to extra class time):  Added 2 slides to your "Getting to Know You" presentation:

  • 1st added slide:  What do you hope to "get out" of Acting class?

  • 2nd added slide:  After reading all of last semester's students' "take-aways" from this course (which are posted on the wall in Ms. Price's classroom), list the ONE that you found the most meaningful/interesting...something that you would ALSO like to "get out" of the course.

DAY 2:

1.)  Learned about - a place to find what we do in class daily (Haiku will link you to my website if you forget).  This will also be the place that I share lessons and learning tasks if/when we go virtual.

2.)  Reviewed class goals for the first few weeks.

  • To have fun

  • To get out of your comfort zone

  • To learn to think like an artist

3.)  Discussed left vs. right brain and the mental tasks that are performed well by each.

4.)  Explored different ways  to awaken your ability to "think creatively" by drawing abstractly to music, observing style traits in visual art, and finding artistic elements on stage.  (Class activities were led by Ms. Price.)

5.)  Learned about and took notes on the ways that "theatre is art in motion" by watching the video at the top of this page.  (Note:  the teaching video is also on youtube:  "KP's Theatre Class - Composition").

  • Note:

    • All of Ms. Price's teaching videos can be found at youtube, on her website (here), or on iTunesU.

    • You MUST take notes on teaching videos.

    • CLASS NOTES Journal is provided by Ms. Price, and can be found in Google Classroom.

    • If you were absent for today's class, you MUST watch this video and take notes BEFORE returning to class.

6.)  Created a slide show of 5 stage compositions that YOU find interesting, and described why.  (Assignment is in Google Classroom and is entitled "Stage Composition Images")  Follow directions on slide 2 of the assignment if you were absent for today's class.

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