Adv. Acting Final Project
1.) Sign up (with a partner) for a scene to perform as the final Acting project. (See the list of possible scenes at the bottom of this webpage.) If absent or quarantined be sure you've chosen a scene/partner.
2.) Review the W's of scene analysis:
What is going on? (both on the surface and BENEATH the surface)
Why is this scene happening? (What part(s) of the relationship are important to show?)
Where is the scene taking place? (How does this impact the scene?)
Wants? (What is each character trying to do to the other character with his/her words? Express the want as a verb: "My character wants to ___________ him/her"
(You will be required to choose a partner & a scene - read descriptions of each of the scenes/plays HERE)
Scenes with 1 male & 1 female:
scene from Rabbit Hole (dramatic)
scene from Of Mice & Men (dramatic/difficult)
scene from The Crucible (dramatic)
scene from Proof (dramatic)
scene from The Diary of Anne Frank (option #1)
scene from The Diary of Anne Frank (option #2)
scene from Fools (comedic)
scene from Rumors (comedic timing)
scene from Whose Life is it Anyway?
scene from Wit
Scenes with 2 females:
scene from 'Night Mother (dramatic/intense) - No longer available; may be activating
scene from Ascension Day
scene from Proof (dramatic)
scene from Steel Magnolias (dramatic)
Scenes with 2 males:
scene from Of Mice & Men (dramatic but light)
scene from Duck Hunter Shoots Angel (comedic)
scene from The Odd Couple (option #1 - comedic)
scene from The Odd Couple (option #2 - comedic)
scene from The Odd Couple (option #3 - comedic)
scene from The Odd Couple (option #4 - comedic)
scene from The Odd Couple (option #5 - comedic)
scene from 1984 (dramatic/intense)