Acting: Week 3
(September 5-8, 2023; no school Monday)
Important topics and terms are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".
DAY 1: Making STRONGER (creative) choices
1.) Rehearsed scene ideas generated last class:
Partners TRIED 3 different options
Partners Chose 1 option to begin to develop further
Partners were challenged to find ways to make their concept MORE clear to an audience (via character choices, inflections, props, scene set-up, etc.)
Partners shared their scenes with another group and the other group shared WHAT they observed.
Groups offered each other options for making partners' concepts even MORE specific, believable, or understandable to an audience.
Partners re-worked scenes with audience in mind.
2.) Discussed the value that IB places on "thinking creatively" and how students will be graded on this process in class.
IB Rubric: Criterion C - Thinking Creatively (click to read/review this IB Rubric)
Discussed IB terms:
Artistic Intention - what an artist INTENDS with her/his work (watched an explanation of a director's specific artistic intention with the color red, in the film The Sixth Sense)
Exploration of Ideas - the willingness of an artist to spend creative energy on exploring various ideas in order to get to the strongest
3.) Reviewed: Often STRONGER choices...
are SPECIFIC choices
are NOT SAFE choices (ex: vague or easy choices such as "friends" or "at school", etc.)
are NOT STEREOTYPES (ex: one-dimension characters such as the "nerd" or "ditz", etc.)
explore the question: WHY? (ex: You're mad, but why? You're at the park, but why?, etc.)
4.) Ms. Price explained that creativity is a PROCESS, and that ACTing requires ACTion. In order to have a product you're proud of, you must have a process you're proud of. You can change ideas in rehearsal (but not lines) if you discover that something does/doesn't work. But you MUST try, try, try various options and ways of doing those options (i.e. "exploration of ideas"). Remember, creativity is never "done"...it just becomes stronger or weaker through the process of bringing original ideas to life.
5.) Ms. Price led students in a final creative thinking behavior: The 5 Whys (If absent, complete this activity on your own in your Google Classroom PROCESS journal. Follow the example below to guide you.)
6.) Journaled (in Google Classroom Acting PROCESS Journal):
Journal Title: 5 Why's Directions: With your partner, pick out a relationship/location from your previous journal entries that you'd like to move forward with. Ask yourself WHY your chosen character would say one of the lines given in the script.
Below is just one simple example of the "5 whys" technique being used to create a more meaningful scene/relationship/backstory:
Chosen Relationship: Estranged sisters
Chosen Location: Hospital Room (one sister is very ill)
Why #1: Why didn't the ill sister "expect to see" her sister visiting her in the hospital?
Because they hadn't spoken in 20 years.
Why #2: Why hadn't they spoken in 20 years?
Because the ill sister had a falling out with her family.
Why #3: Why did the ill sister have a falling out with her family?
Because she eloped against her parents' will
Why #4: Why did the ill sister elope?
Because she had to get out of an an abusive home, but regrets having left her younger sister.
Why #5: Why did she leave her younger sister there?
Because she was scared, and thought she was the only one.
DAY 2: Creating original ideas of VALUE
1. ) Introductory activity: Watched a clip from The Sixth Sense which illustrated the film-maker's artistic intention with the color red in the film. (Watch HERE)
2.) Reviewed IB Rubric: Criterion C - Thinking Creatively (click to read/review)
3.) Reviewed definition of creativity: the PROCESS of having ORIGINAL ideas of VALUE (Last class we worked on the PROCESS, and ORIGINAL ideas. Today we will work on adding VALUE to our ideas.)
4.) Reviewed the "5 Why's technique" and finished discussing with partner.
5.) Journaled (in Google Classroom - Acting PROCESS Journal):
Journal Title: Exploring Ideas (Reflection) Name and describe at least 2 specific things that helped you to get to stronger ideas last class and why. (If absent, do this journal entry on your own.)
6.) Completed: Google Classroom - REFLECTION #1 (color scene) - answered questions 1-3. (If absent, do this reflection on your own.)
7.) Rehearsed scenes for performance. (Ms. Price asked students to rehearse with AUDIENCE in mind.)
DAY 3: Performance / Reflection
Performed scenes for the audience and received feedback. (Note: Students are required to write their audience feedback on their "Color Scene REFLECTION (#1)" in Google Classroom.
DAY 4:
1.) Finished performing scenes (and receiving feedback).
2.) Completed the final two questions on REFLECTION #1 (Color Scene)" in Google Classroom If absent, be sure to do this on your own time.
3.) Discussed that in the next part of our unit, we will be focusing on WHERE dramatic stories are performed and HOW to "tell" great stories on stage.
Learned about the different types of stages on which shows can be performed ("KP's Theatre Class - Types of Stages) and took notes in Google Classroom - "Acting CLASS NOTES"). If absent, be sure to do this before returning to class.
Observed various photos from shows staged in the OHS Black Box Theatre and discussed/analyzed each.