Acting: Week 5
(February 22-26, 2021)
Important terms are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".
DAY 1:
1.) Reviewed types of stages from last week's video ("KP's Theatre Class - Types of Stages) and observed photos from OHS black box shows.
2.) Performed scenes (those who did not perform last week)
Note: Students are required to write their audience feedback on their " REFLECTION #1 (Color Scene)" in Google Classroom.
All students were asked to complete the final question on their " REFLECTION #1 (Color Scene)" in Google Classroom.
3.) Journaled (in Google Classroom PROCESS Journal; Title: "Our Class Environment"):
What kind of environment do you want for this performance based class? What qualities/things would help you better learn and take creative risks?
4.) Ms. Price introduced the concept of "showing more than you tell" and "creating believability" with your acting choices.
5.) Watched a video ("KP's Theatre Class - Stage Directions") and took notes in Google Classroom CLASS NOTES. (Only watched to 3:28.)
6.) Practiced stage directions during a teacher-led class activity.
7.) Participated in "believability" partner activities while exploring pantomime (activities led by Ms. Price).
8.) Explored ideas for creating a new partner scene using specific stage directions given by Ms. Price (See "Stage Directions Scene" in Google Classroom.)
DAY 2:
1.) Rehearsed scenes (Stage Directions scene) and reviewed RUBRIC.
2.) Completed "REFLECTION #2 (Stage Directions Scene)" in Google Classroom. (Answer first 3 questions.)
3.) Performed Stage Directions scenes and received class feedback. (Note: Be sure you've written your feedback on your Reflection #2 in Google Classroom)
4.) Reviewed Stage Directions as a class.
5.) Watched remainder of video ("KP's Theatre Class - Stage Directions" (from 3:58 to the end) and took notes in Google Classroom CLASS NOTES.
6.) Practiced the following terms given in the video with a partner: open, closed, share, give, take, cover, upstage; also practiced Body Positions on stage (1/4 position, profile, 3/4 position)
7.) Participated in Motivated Movement activities (led by Ms. Price).
8.) Discussed how "motivated movement" impacts believability in a scene.
HOMEWORK: You will have a Summative Test (IB Criterion A: Knowing & Understanding) in THREE classes on the concepts and terms learned from the following videos (for which you took notes in Google Classroom):
Stage Terms (we will watch Stage Terms next class)