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Acting:  Week 5
(September 16-20, 2024)

Important terms are in RED.

Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.

If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".  

DAY 1:  Motivated Movement / Performance


Reminder:  You will have a Summative Test (IB Criterion A:  Knowing & Understanding) Thursday, 9/19/24) on the concepts and terms learned from the following videos (for which you took notes in Google Classroom):  

  1. Types of Stages,

  2. Stage Directions,

  3. Stage Terms (we will watch Stage Terms this/next class)

1.) Re-visited the term "motivated movement" and what it means when Acting.  

2.) Decided which of last class's 3 scene options you want to perform for a grade.

3.) Participated in refining ideas for next performance: "Open-Ended Scene #2" (found in Google Classroom).  Focused on ways to show motivated movement while rehearsing scene options (led by Ms. Price).

  • Journaled (Google Classroom PROCESS Journal) about 3 specific ways YOU can IMPROVE your open-ended scene.  (Title:  "3 ways to improve my open-ended scene")  Think about motivation, specific choices, and also your previous audience feedback.

4.) Rehearsed scenes (see last class's lesson) for performance.

5.) Completed Reflection #3 in Google Classroom (questions 1-3).

6.) Performed scenes and received student feedback.  (Performers recorded their feedback on Reflection #3 in Google Classroom (questions 4-5).

DAY 2: Review / Stage Tour

1.)  Reminder You will have a Unit Test on 9/19/24 on the concepts and terms given in the following videos (for which you took notes in Google Classroom):  Types of Stages, Stage Directions, Stage Terms 

2.) Learned about new stage terms by watching a video:  "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Terms" and taking notes in Google Classroom "Acting CLASS NOTES".   If absent, be sure to do this on your own.

3.) Participated in a Stage Tour led by Ms. Price where we reviewed all new terms both on and around the OHS stage/theatre.


DAY 3: Review Games

1.)  Reminder You will have a Unit Test on 9/19/24 on the concepts and terms given in the following videos (for which you took notes in Google Classroom):  Types of Stages, Stage Directions, Stage Terms 

2.) Discussed yesterday's stage tour as a class.  (What did you LEARN?  Why does a theatre deserve respect?  What opportunities - beyond acting - could exist for you in the theatre?)

3.) Played a review competition game as a class (winning team earned extra credit on tomorrow's test).

DAY 4: Summative (Unit 1) Test 

1.) Discussed: For something to be theatre, you must have a story to tell, actor(s) to tell it, and an audience to respond to it.

2.) Demonstrated Knowledge & Understanding of stage/theatre basics by taking Unit 1 Test.  

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