Adv. Acting: Week 3
(September 14-18 - full class)
The power of Socially Responsible Theatre
DAY 1:
1.) Watched an opening video of advice from an actor in the industry: Bryan Cranston
Journal: What ideas shared by the actor did you find interesting, surprising, or helpful?
2.) Listened: Finished listening to portions of a podcast (with guest Arian Moayed)
Journal (completed in class): After each section students responded to prompts given in class. (All students were present, so the questions are not posted here)
Discussed the power of "Socially Responsible" and "Civic-minded" Theatre.
3.) Discussed: As a class, students generated/discussed lists for the following:
What would you love to learn about or go deeper into (related to acting/theatre)? (if we can't do a show)
What COULD a "show" look like while still following all safety precautions? (if we can do a show)
4.) Re-visited: WHY do we do theatre?
DAY 2:
1.) Watched an opening video of advice from an actor in the industry: Matt Damon
Journal: What ideas shared by the actor did you find interesting, surprising, or helpful?
2.) Discussed: What are you reading / listening to / watching right now that his helping YOU to grow as an artist?
(Ms. Price Introduced the idea of "Script Club" to gauge interest/participation.)
3.) Re-visited: Students' lists of WHAT they'd like to learn this semester and/or HOW they'd like to do a show.
4.) Shared: What THEMES or TOPICS are you passionate about?
Journal: Write about one or more THEMES about which you are passionate, and why.
5.) Watched: Thematic Storytelling by Awele Makeba (Stories: Legacies of who we are - Awele Makeba)
Discussed finding narratives (stories) that...
highlight a meaningful theme
are socially responsible
are able to be dramatized
you care about
Go Deeper (Optional): How craving attention makes you less creative | Joseph Gordon-Levitt
The IDEAS I appreciate in this video:
The thoughts shared from an artist about the unintended creativity-related consequences of needing attention in our culture.