Adv. Acting: Week 3
(September 7-10, 2021)
Exploring THEMES for performance / Show Selection
DAYS 1-2:
1.) Reminder of show dates: Week of December 6-10, 2021, which will include:
1 full after-school dress rehearsal
1 full after-school tech rehearsal
2 show days/nights
(discussed preferences for number of performances)
2.) Continued creating original scenes based on 3 different clips of music that Ms. Price feels "evoke" the class' desired genre/style of show to perform.
3.) Performed scenes and shared with class. Discussed each as a class.
4.) Reflected in Process Journal (Google Classroom): What did you LEARN in this "Creative Collaboration" process? About creativity? About collaboration?
5.) Generated, as a class, a list of THEMES about which you are passionate. (Ms. Price takes this, as well as your desired "style" into account when choosing your show.)
DAY 3:
1.) Reminder of show dates: Week of December 6-10, 2021 (keep this week clear!)
2.) Reflected on themes shared yesterday in class (Ms. Price had them in her Keynote):
inequality / injustice
disadvantaged people
betrayal / rejection / destruction
rebellion / revolution / equality / bettering
refusal to help when it wouldn't "hurt" you
successful communication
diving into uncertainty
going out of your way to do good
ignorance / arrogance
bringing light to issues/problems
risk > unexpected success
sabotage of others for gain
noticing personal growth
family other than blood
3.) Ms. Price shared this semester's Adv. Acting Show Selection (based on students' chosen style & themes): ELEPHANT MAN
4.) Discussed OTHER tasks for which students will be responsible (besides acting):
Promotions / Marketing
Design (set, costumes, props, sound, lights, etc.)
Ticketing Process and House
5.) Discussed:
As we move forward, everyone will be working on different things simultaneously, therefore TRUST and SELF-MOTIVATION are imperative to succeed.
ALL individuals will be learning ALL parts of this how process, so be a learner!
Roles will NOT go to those who have not proven trust already ("You're always auditioning.")
6.) Discussed: What do you believe to be the STEPS in a director's process? (assuming script & rights are already acquired)
7.) Learned the 5 phases of a Director's Process that we, as a class, will be embarking on:
Phase 1: Script Analysis (includes script study, character study, design process, research, formulating a Director's Concept, etc.)
Phase 2: Collaboration Process (includes communication with, & organization of, teams that will be working on the show; includes sharing vision, style, design, etc.)
Phase 3: Audition & Casting Process
Phase 4: Rehearsal Process
Phase 5: Dress / Tech / Performance (when show is turned over to the SM)
8.) Completed an activity in which students read an ELEPHANT MAN overview (Google Classroom), and completed the following:
Highlight in YELLOW anything you find note-worthy or interesting (interesting themes; things that may be interesting to show on stage, etc.)
Highlight in GREEN any character(s) you think would be interesting to lay.
Highlight in ORANGE anything about which you'd like to know/learn more
DAY 4: (most of class absent today)
1.) Reminder of show dates: Week of December 6-10, 2021 (keep this week clear!)
2.) Received a script
3.) Finished yesterdays activity in Google Classroom (Elephant Man Overview)
4.) Completed an "Interest & Talent Survey" in Google Classroom so Ms. Price knows the roles and design teams you are most interested in.