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Adv. Acting:  Week 3
(September 6-9, 2022)
Exploring THEMES/STYLES in scripts

DAYS 1-2: Read a "documentary"-style script

1.) Began reading a play as a class:  Project 13 and discussed.

DAYS 3-4: Read a surreal-style script


1.) Read a second script as a class.


2.) Discussed:  What do you believe to be the STEPS in a director's process? (assuming script & rights are already acquired)

2.) Learned the 5 phases of a Director's Process that we, as a class, will be embarking on:

  1. Phase 1:  Script Analysis (includes script study, character study, design process, research, formulating a Director's Concept, etc.)

  2. Phase 2:  Collaboration Process (includes communication with, & organization of, teams that will be working on the show; includes sharing vision, style, design, etc.)

  3. Phase 3:  Audition & Casting Process

  4. Phase 4: Rehearsal Process

  5. Phase 5:  Dress / Tech / Performance (when show is turned over to the SM)

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