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Adv. Acting:  Week 5

(September 28-October 2, 2020)

Thematic Storytelling

DAY 1:

1.)  Watched an opening video of advice from an actor in the industry:  Hugh Jackman

  • Journal:  What ideas shared by the actor did you find interesting, surprising, or helpful?

2.) Re-visited:  Thematic Storytelling  (Stories: Legacies of who we are - Awele Makeba)

  • Discussed narratives (stories) that...

    • highlight a meaningful theme​

    • are socially responsible

    • are able to be dramatized

    • you care about

3.) Discussed Themes that the class has decided to individually explore...

  • Commonalties/Categories (determined by class):  Societal Dynamics (power / injustice, etc.); Universal Yearning of Human Nature; Consequences of Absence; Complexity and Depth of Human Experience (vs. one-dimensional explanation)

4.) Reviewed:  Discussed upcoming (first) acting assignment. 

  • ACTING PROMPT #1:  Thematic Storytelling  

    1. Choose a (socially responsible) THEME or TOPIC to explore (from your passion list).

    2. Find a narrative (story) that explores this topic/theme.  (Be sure your story is true, and is about a person/people.)

    3. Dramatize your story (give it life on stage.  This will most likely require a cutting (which you'll learn about later).

    4. Rehearse with KP as your acting coach to prepare your piece for performance.  (Process over product.)

    5. Perform your story using the techniques taught in class.  (This will include acting techniques such as off-stage focus, etc.)

5.)  Shared:  Students shared their themes and stories that they found within those themes.  We discussed and challenged ideas as a class.

DAY 2:

1.)  Watched an opening video of advice from an actor in the industry:  Viola Davis

  • Journal:  What ideas shared by the actor did you find interesting, surprising, or helpful?

2.) Discussed themes and stories chosen as a class.

HOMEWORK:  Have your chosen narrative by Wednesday.  Follow the instructions in Google Classroom  (Assignment = "Step #1:  Find/Discover a Narrative")

For Reference:  The videos below are ones that we previously watched in class that could help with your understanding and/or discovery for your own theme:

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