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Adv. Acting:  Week 5

(February 22-26, 2021)

Script Analysis

DAY 1:  

1.)  Ms. Price reminded: 

  • Class Show Date(s):  May 24-26, 2021 

  • We can not rehearse on stage May 24 (Awards night), so we need to discuss possible solutions

  • (One solution would be to have our final tech rehearsal on Tuesday, and two performances on Wednesday)

2.)  Reviewed (from "A Sense of Direction") 

  1. What does the author say is the most important characteristic of a work of art?

    • UNITY (= relationship to ITSELF)​

  2. What, according to the author, is the second characteristic of a work of art?

    • REVEALS THE UNIVERSE (= relationship to a GREATER TRUTH)​

  3. What is the third characteristic of a work of art?

    • AWAKENS THE SPIRIT (= relationship to ARTIST/AUDIENCE)​

  4. What else is art/theatre expected to have that show business and television entertainment are not expected to have?

    • THE BEAUTY OF HUMANKIND (=our relationship to EACH OTHER)​

  5. On what does an actor build his/her profession/craft/art?

    • BELIEF

3.) Ms. Price Read (from "A Sense of Direction") about "Interpreting the Action".  Discussed as a class.

4.)  Watched (for inspiration in design):  Behind the Scenes Episode 3: Set Design Principles | Emil and the Detectives


5.)  Reviewed:

  1. A show's DIRECTOR can't begin directing without knowing...?

    • Their design/director's CONCEPT

    • The SET

  2. A show's DESIGNER(S) can't begin designing without knowing...?

    • What the SCRIPT says is NEEDED

    • The design/director's CONCEPT

6.)  Ms. Price reviewed Design teams for our show:

  1. SM:  Callum / ASM:  Brooke

  2. Set:  Drake, Brennan, Savannah, Sam

  3. Costumes:  Janelle, Haley, Bella, Liv

  4. Hair/Make-up:  Ava, Calleigh, Ashlynn

  5. Props:  Ben, Macy, Aidan, Tanner

  6. Sound:  Audrey

  7. Lighting:  Nathan, Jamie

7.) Design Groups continued/finished their script work (determining the "needs of the script" for each design area).

  • Advice from Price:

    • Consider HOW things need to function, not just WHAT needs to be on stage.​

    • Determine your needs in SHOW ORDER (from beginning to end)

    • DON'T DESIGN yet - consider only what's NEEDED based on the SCRIPT.

    • Consider all needs - both stated and implied(If a character pulls an apple out of his pocket, it's implied that his costume needs a pocket - big enough for an apple.)

  • Complete your Design "Needs" Spreadsheet in Google Classroom (ALL students must complete their own, but you can work together in teams to complete this assignment.  A show can't begin without it.)

DAY 2:

1.) Finished Script work from last class.  ("Needs of the Script" - Google classroom)

2.) Scenic (Set) Design Discussion

3.) Announced Cast List

4.) Highlighted Script and prepared for rehearsal on Wednesday.  

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