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Adv. Acting:  Week 6

(October 5-9, 2020

Thematic Storytelling

DAY 1:

1.)  Watched an opening video of advice from an actor/director/acting coach in the industry:  Larry Moss

  • Journal:  What ideas shared by the actor/director did you find interesting, surprising, or helpful?

2.) Discussed Thematic Storytelling

  • Why does your THEME matter? (to you, others, society)

  • Why does your STORY matter? (to a contemporary audience)

  • Does your story enter into a LARGER (societal) CONVERSATION?  

  • Can your story be DRAMATIZED?  (Are there vivid "actable" characters with dialog? Is there structural flow?)

3.) Explored Students had time to adjust their themes/stories, discuss them further with Ms. Price, or find new stories within their chosen themes (with the above in mind).

HOMEWORK:  You MUST have your story by Friday, and it should be "taking shape" by then.  Follow the instructions in Google Classroom  (Assignment = "Step #1:  Find/Discover a Narrative").  Do not tell me ABOUT your narrative, or what you HOPE to do with your narrative.  Have the skeleton of your narrative typed up and ready to start putting it on its feet.  Do the research in advance that is required for this to happen.

DAY 2:

1.)  Watched an opening video of advice from an actor in the industry:  Viola Davis

  • Journal:  What ideas shared by the actor did you find interesting, surprising, or helpful?

2.) Discussed themes and stories chosen as a class.

HOMEWORK:  Have your chosen narrative by Wednesday.  Follow the instructions in Google Classroom  (Assignment = "Step #1:  Find/Discover a Narrative")

For Reference:  The videos below are ones that we previously watched in class that could help with your understanding and/or discovery for your own theme:

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