Adv. Acting: Week 7
(October 13-16, 2020)
Thematic Storytelling
DAYS 1 & 2:
1.) Performed Thematic Narratives ("Teaser" + Written Intro) to receive feedback from instructor and classmate.
2.) Discussed & Discovered meaningful structure for each students' narratives.
HOMEWORK: Work to adjust your narrative based on the feedback received in class. You should have your written adjustments made by NEXT class. Also try to have your piece completed (compiled and written out) by NEXT class so that we can begin the coaching/rehearsing process.
For Reference: The videos below are ones that we previously watched in class that could help with your understanding and/or discovery for your own theme:
KP's Theatre Class - Theatrical Conventions (start @ 2:47)
Soul of a Butterfly (Dramatic Interpretation, 2011)
I Have Before Me a Remarkable Document... (Dramatic Interpretation 2011)