Adv. Acting: Week 8
(October 11-15, 2021)
Rehearsal Process - week 1
DAY 1:
1.) Reviewed the 5 phases of a Director's Process:
Phase 1: Script Analysis (includes script study, character study, design process, research, formulating a Director's Concept, etc.)
Phase 2: Collaboration Process (includes communication with, & organization of, teams that will be working on the show; includes sharing vision, style, design, etc.)
Phase 3: Audition & Casting Process
Phase 4: Rehearsal Process
Phase 5: Dress / Tech / Performance (when show is turned over to the SM
2.) Discussed how we will begin Phase 4 this week! (Yay!)
3.) Ms. Price gave some announcements about rehearsals and upcoming classes:
In order to facilitate all design areas while simultaneously running rehearsals, Ms. Price has curated learning for each of the design areas (on her website).
You are responsible to do ONE learning activity per week as an ACTOR, and ONE learning activity per week as part of your DESIGN team. (You can do at home or in class.)
The learning can be found at the bottom of the Adv. Acting webpage. (There are 9 boxes - click HERE.)
2. Ms. Price will give you the blocking for your scene ahead of time to save on "writing down your blocking time" during rehearsals. Be sure to be prepared for rehearsal each day.
props are written on the top right of the page
set pieces are written on the top left of the page
double music notes mean there will be music for a scene transition
single music notes connote a sound effect needed
props are boxed in in the script
3. There will be a props table set up in the back room. Start brining in your rehearsal props. (You are responsible for your rehearsal props daily.
4. The schedule will be re-worked to facilitate time lost due to Covid.
5. The show dates will now be the week of January 10, 2022.
4.) Rehearsed pages 9-18 (got to page 14)
Reminder of Design Teams:
Costumes = Aidan, Cayden, Veronica, Zoe
Props = Tanner, Drew, Ella (art)
Set = Kendall & KP
Make-up/Hair = Ashlynne
Sound = Kendall & KP
Lighting = Callum & Viv
DAY 2:
DAY 3:
DAY 4: