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Stagecraft:  Week 3
(February 6-10, 2023)

Important terms are in RED.

Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.

If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all learning activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment"/homework.  


DAY 1: Cut Lists & Begin Build / Types of Stages


1.)  Reviewed various stage terms and also Fastening tools, types of wood, and flat/platform terms/materials.

2.) KP Introduced our first building project:  Building  a flat or platform 

  • Watched:  Video of How to Build a Flat (watch if you were absent today)

  • Reviewed:  How to build a platform (in Google Classroom - Class NOTES Journal) (read if you were absent today)

3.) Learned what a cut list is, and why builders use them.  Each building group (assigned by KP) received their own cut list in order to prepare for building a flat/platform.  Remember:  Measure twice, cut once!

4.) Discussed today's "tiny tips":

  • Don't lean boards vertically (it's unsafe)

  • Anything is easier to measure when it's lying flat (on floor or work surface)

5.) REMINDER:  Bring PAINT CLOTHES for next class (oversized clothes that can go OVER your school clothes when you do painting projects)

1/2 Class went to scene shop, and half class stayed and learned the following...

1.) Reviewed:  In theatre, we want to elicit an audience response (make them feel a certain way) when we create the "world of the play".

2.)  Discussed how the TYPE of performance space (stage) used impacts the WAY a set is designed/used.

3.) Learned about the 4 different types of performance spaces (stages) by watching KP's Theatre Class - Types of Stages (click on link) and taking notes (use CLASS NOTES in Google Classroom - "Types of Stages").  If absent, be sure to watch the video and take notes in Google Classroom.

4.) Observed/Analyzed various photos of shows performed in OHS's Black Box Theatre.

DAY 2: Building FLATS & PLATFORMS / Stage Terms

1.) Reviewed reminders for scene shop:

  • Safety first!  (don't use a tool on which you haven't been trained; remember safety glasses; check clothes, etc.)

  • Scraps first!  (don't waste expensive wood)

  • Think first!  (ask questions where needed, but remember, there are lots of ways to learn)

  • Always leave time for clean up!

2.)  Discussed today's "tiny tip":

  • Pay attention to if you may be stripping a screw (listen/watch) 


1/2 Class went to scene shop, and half class stayed and learned the following...


 1.) Reviewed:  platforms & flats (= the stock "building blocks" of most sets)

  • Flats = set walls (Two types:  Hollywood or Broadway)

  • Platforms = load bearing for sets/actors

  • Sets that DON'T move are known as "box" or "unit" sets

  • Sets that DO move are built on platforms that have casters (wheels) and are known as wagons

2.) Reviewed:  the types of stages learned yesterday (if you were absent yesterday, be sure to watch & take notes in Google Classroom Class Notes on "Types of Stages")

3.)  2.) Learned about various stage terms by watching KP's Theatre Class - Stage Terms (click on link) and taking notes (use CLASS NOTES in Google Classroom - "Stage Terms").  If absent, be sure to watch the video and take notes in Google Classroom.


(see Day 1 - same learning with OTHER half of class)

DAYS 4: 

(see Day 2 - same learning with OTHER half of class)

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