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Stagecraft:  Week 3
(September 3-6, 2024; no school Monday)

Important terms are in RED.

Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.

If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all learning activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment"/homework.  


Day 1: Types of Stages 


1.) Reviewed Fastening, Measuring, and Cutting tool names.

1.) Reviewed:  In theatre, we want to elicit an audience response (make them feel a certain way) when we create the "world of the play".

2.)  Discussed how the TYPE of performance space (stage) used impacts the WAY a set is designed/used.

3.) Learned about the 4 different types of performance spaces (stages) by watching KP's Theatre Class - Types of Stages (If absent, click on link at top of your CLASS NOTES page in Google Classroom on "Types of Stages" and take notes.)  

4.) Observed/Analyzed various photos of shows performed in OHS's Black Box Theatre.

Day 2:  Stage Terms 

1.)  Reviewed Types of Stages (Proscenium, Thrust, Arena, Black Box, Flexible) and other terms learned in class (proscenium arch, plaster line, apron, etc., as well as Measuring, Cutting, and Fastening Tools.

2.) Learned about various Stage Termsby watching KP's Theatre Class - Stage Terms (If absent, click on link at top of your CLASS NOTES page in Google Classroom on "Stage Terms" and take notes.)  

4.) Learned types of things hung in a Proscenium stage:  main, border, legs, drops (backdrops), etc.  If absent, see Google Classroom CLASS NOTES page:  Soft Goods - Curtains & Backdrops.

5.) Learned about additional things hung on a Proscenium stage. If absent, be sure to add these terms to your Google Classroom CLASS NOTES page:  Drops Used on Stage

  • Cyc(lorama):  a large white fabric drop hung upstage that can be lit any color (creates a feeling of expansiveness)

  • Scrim:  a screen-like curtain that when put downstage of actors can create opaque, translucent, or semi-translucent looks on stage.

6.) Participated in a Photo Hunt (with a partner) of terms learned so far in Stagecraft in order to have a hands-on review for the upcoming quiz.  (Photo Hunt is located in Google Classroom and you/your partner will receive a grade. Consult your notes as needed.)

Day 3: Tool Tutorials


1.) FINISHED Tool Tutorials in the scene shop.  (Each student is responsible for being sure they've earned a star for each of the skills taught (chop saw, drills/impact drivers, air compressor/air nailer).  If absent, be sure you are prepared to make up these skills.

Day 4 (sub): Photo Hunt / Tool Tutorial Make-up


1.) FINISHED Theatre Photo Hunt in the theatre.  Be sure to upload your photos once you've located all terms.   (Photo Hunt is located in Google Classroom and you/your partner will receive a grade. Consult your notes as needed.)

2.) Previously absent students FINISHED tool tutorials with John/Sam

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