Stagecraft: Week 5
(February 22-26, 2021)
Important terms are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment"/homework.
DAY 1:
1.) Reminders:
There will be a QUIZ NEXT CLASS on Stages, Stage Terms, & Materials used to Build Flats/Platforms
Girls: Bring paint clothes!
In order to study/prepare for your quiz, re-watch, or study your Google Classroom CLASS NOTES from:
Video: KP's Theatre Class - Types of Stages (Notes in your Google Classroom CLASS NOTES)
Video: KP's Theatre Class - Stage Terms (Notes in your Google Classroom CLASS NOTES)
Google Classroom CLASS NOTES: Materials used to build flats & platforms
2.) Learned about casters, caster blocks, and wagon locks/brakes (and how to install each). Click HERE for more info (also available in Google Classroom - CLASS NOTES).
3.) Participated: Worked in scene shop to finish building flats/platforms.
Phase 2 for girls: Prime your flat
Phase 2 for guys: Caster your platform and install wagon locks/breaks.
When finished: All group members sign the back of your flat/platform
HOMEWORK: Remember to study for your quiz next class! (Study your notes on Types of Stages & Stage Terms)
DAY 2:
1.) Reviewed: Names of stages, stage terms, and materials used to build flats/platforms.
2.) Demonstrated knowledge of theatre terms and concepts learned so far in Stagecraft by completing a QUIZ
See Homework above for further explanation of what was on the Quiz; click links provided for videos and go to Google Classroom for your CLASS NOTES.
3.) Finished building flat or platform in the scene shop.
4.) Completed (individually): "Reflection - Building a Flat/Platform" (in Google Classroom)