Acting: Week 13 - VIRTUAL
(November 23-24, 2020 - Happy Thanksgiving!
Important topics/terms/instructions are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment".
This week's self-directed learning:
1.) If you haven't already, COMPLETE all of last week's learning activities. (Click HERE.)
2.) Read the Rubric provided for your monologue performance. Click HERE. (This is how you will be graded...your grade is not based on how "well" you perform, but rather on how well you show your physical CHOICES for your character...so be sure to make strong choices and find meaningful ways to show them.)
3.) Review the guidelines (from last week's lessons) on how to rehearse well.
4.) Record / Upload:
Go to Google Classroom and use the link provided to upload a video of your monologue performance. Do this PRIOR to 11/24. This performance WILL be graded, so be sure you take the time to rehearse and feel good about your choices/character/performance before recording yourself and uploading it. (Also be sure you make/show character choices - THAT is what you're being graded on.) Reach out if you want any extra help or need one-on-one guidance.
Note: You only need to perform 30 seconds of your monologue. Be sure the 30+ seconds you choose SHOWS your PHYSICAL CHOICES (since that's what you're being graded on). A's (IB scores of 7-8) will be reserved for students who perform the whole monologue.
This week's ZOOM classes: (zoom code on Haiku)
Day 1: Monday, November 23 @ 1:50 (attendance REQUIRED only if you haven't uploaded your monologue)
If you've ALREADY uploaded your monologue performance, I'll count that as your check-in for this class.
If you have NOT uploaded your monologue performance, you MUST attend class for help/guidance. (Remember, I'm here to coach/help!)