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Acting:  Week 19
(January 8-12, 2023)

Important topics/terms/instructions are in RED.

Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.

Ms. Price provides ALL learning for absent students in a self-directed format

If absent, read & understand/complete each of the day's activities below.  You are EXPECTED to do so BEFORE returning.

Days 1-2:  FINAL Performances / Exam Study Guide

1. Final groups performed 

2.) Reminder:  You are graded on both scene analysis and creative scene choices. 

  • Final Scene Project Task Sheet  

  • Rubric 1  (Knowing & Understanding = Scene Analysis)

  • Rubric 2  (Thinking Creatively = Character and Blocking Choices)

3.) Exam Review 

  • In order to prepare for your exam, be sure to collect and study the information listed on the Exam Study GuideAll of the "answers" for the material listed on your Study Guide can be found in your Google Classroom CLASS NOTES.)

Day 3-4:  Personal & Course Reflection

1.) Students completed a Course Evaluation / Reflection in Google Classroom while final scene partners rehearsed their scenes.  (If absent, be sure to complete ASAP.)

2.) Finished final scenes.

3.) Students were assigned a VIDEO Reflection (watch your first scene performance, and then your final scene performance and complete VIDEO Reflection in Google Classroom.)

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