Acting: Week 11
(April 12-16, 2021)
Important topics/terms are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
If ABSENT or quarantined, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not an "assignment". Ms. Price provides ALL learning for absent students in a self-directed format so there is no need to Zoom if quarantined.
DAY 1:
Announcement: You MUST complete the two learning activities from last week that you were required to do on your hybrid learning day. Both must be completed by the end of the day on Monday, April 12 in order to earn credit.
How to Read a Play (read & take notes in CLASS NOTES in Google Classroom)
KP's Theatre Class - Plot (watch & take notes in CLASS NOTES in Google Classroom)
1.) Reviewed: Plot terms & definitions (inciting incident, exposition, conflict, build, crisis, climax, denouement)
2.) Read the play Lost in Yonkers by Neil Simon. If absent or quarantined, you MUST read what we read in class...If you haven't yet read pages 1-39, go back to last week (click) and do so BEFORE reading this week's portion of the play.
Click the links below for this week's reading.
Act I, Scene 2-4, pgs 40-63 (Build)
Act II, Scene 1-2, pgs 64-95 (Build) Read through page 83
DAY 2:
1.) Took a short quiz on the terms & ideas learned on Virtual Day 1 (How to Read a Play & KP's Theatre Class - Plot)
2.) Read the play Lost in Yonkers by Neil Simon. If absent or quarantined, you MUST read what we read in class...If you haven't yet read pages 1-39, go back to last week (click) and do so BEFORE reading this week's portion of the play.
Click the links below for this week's reading.
Act II, Scene 1-2, pgs 64-95 (Build) (we left off @ the end of pg 83 last class)
Act II, Scene 2, pgs 96-103 (Crisis)
Act II, Scene 3-4, pgs 112-120 (Climax & Denouement)
3.) Discussed the question: How does an actor know how to "play" a character from a script?
There are 3 main ways we learn about our characters from a script:
What the playwright tells us about our character (Example: "she's as warm and congenial as she is emotionally arrested")
What other characters say about our character (Example: "She'd come out of that door with a limp and a cane and look like she was going to kill you.")
What a character says about him/herself (Example: "Sometimes I get so confused I think I should carry an alarm clock")
4.) Chose a character to "work with" for a future monologue assignment/performance.
Each student/actor must choose one of the following characters from Lost in Yonkers: Bella, Grandma, Eddie, Louie, Jay
You must choose your OWN gender for this assignment, although girls are allowed to choose Jay if desired.
If absent or quarantined, be sure to choose which character you'd like to work with, and Ms. Price will provide you with a monologue for that character next class (online).
5.) Participated in an Observe/Infer activity (Google Classroom Reflection Journal - week 11) in which we observed the body positions and physical choices of various actors playing characters from Lost in Yonkers, then inferred what was being communicated to an audience about that character through the actors' choices. (If absent or quarantined, you do NOT need to complete this activity.)