Stagecraft Week 12: What's BACK there?
(Costumes, Make-up, Hair)
April 17-21, 2023
Important terms are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
Ms. Price provides ALL learning for absent students in a self-directed format so if absent, just read & understand/complete each of the day's activities below. You are EXPECTED to do so BEFORE returning to class.
DAY 1:
1.) Discussed: This semester there are some units (topics & skills) we were unable to cover due to the extra time given to working on the musical...including the roles of Running Crew, Tech Directors, Wig, Hair, & Make-up Designers, Sound Designers, Front of House (House Management, Box Office, Ushers, etc.), and Special Effects.
2.) Watched a video that covered many of the above roles and some of what they do prior to a show each night: Aladdin on Broadway. (If absent, please watch.)
3.) Discussed: Our final unit before the Final Project will be a condensed version of Costumes, Make-up, & Hair/Wigs. Seniors will NOT do the final project (design a musical set), but will still participate in activities leading up to their final day in class.
(Any student who did not LEARN or DO fly lines/lighting tutorials from last week were released to do so during class; however, these students are REQUIRED to do the rest of today's lesson AS HOMEWORK - to be completed before tomorrow's class)
4. Completed a Reflection (Fly Lines and Lighting) in Google Classroom. (If absent, be sure to complete today.)
Watched a video (Costume Design in Phantom) and discussed things you learned about costume design from the video. If absent, please watch on your own.
5.) Discussed the following:
What types of things, other than costumes, does a costume designer have to think about when designing costumes?
What is a "quick change room"?
What sorts of things (organization, etc.) did you notice in the quick change room featured in the video?
6.) Watched & discussed:
Quick Changes - Mary Poppins (2:06) - watch if absent!
Quick Changes - Groundhog Day (2:21) - watch if absent!
What specific things did you notice happening (with both actor and "dressers" during the quick changes featured?
What types of things would need to be considered or set up to do effective quick changes?
7.) Read: Quick Change Stations (notice what needs to be prepped, and in what order, for a quick change. (If absent, be sure to read/understand!)
8.) Divided into collaborative groups to prepare and rehearse a Costume Quick Change.
9.) Took a "field trip" to the Costume Room in order to...
Familiarize yourself with where things are located in our OHS Costume Room
Pull costume pieces on your list for the person you plan to "dress" for quick change. (Click HERE for the costume pieces your group must "pull" for your Quick Change. If absent, be sure to click and read so you know what's required for this project.)
DAY 2:
1.) Watched a video (Costume Design in Lion King) and discussed what other things are considered in the design/maintenance of costumes BEYOND clothing? (If absent, please watch.)
2.) Watched a video (Costume Shop Manager) and discussed 2 things you learned about costuming that you were previously unaware of. (If absent, please watch.)
3.) Observed various images of costume quick change stations and discussed: What do you notice?
4.) Students rehearsed their quick changes in groups (while students were on stage yesterday went to the Costume Room with Ms. Price).
5.) Criteria for Quick Change GRADE:
Stage-worthiness of costumed actor
Group's ability to follow directions (according to Quick Change Stations)
A clean and efficient process
Collaboration of roles (both actor and dressers)
Speed of Quick change (focus on the above criteria BEFORE this one!)
6.) Students competed against other groups for fastest/most efficient costume quick change.
DAY 3: Ms. Price at Oakland Fine Arts Council today; Follow sub plans for 4/19/23 in Google Classroom
1.) Follow Sub Plans in Google Classroom. (if absent, be sure to go to Google Classroom and DO sub plans...there will be no other opportunity to make up this learning for a grade.)
2.) Observed/READ each of the theatre make-up "Face Charts" below to learn about the basics of each type of theatrical make-up. (If absent, be sure to read each below.)
Go Deeper (Optional):
Learn about Costumes...
The Broadway.com Show: ANASTASIA Costume Designer Linda Cho (2:43)
From Page to Stage: Les Miserables Behind the Scenes - Costume (7:07)
Working In The Theatre: Costumes (33:02)
Costume Designer (5:17)