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Directing:  Course Requirements

Directing Journal: 

Students must have a journal for this course in order to journal about the process of directing.  Journals are due each Friday (and the independent study student is responsible to be sure Ms. Price gets it!).  Ms. Price will read journal entries and will respond after each entry.  A student can also ask questions of Ms. Price via this means.  The purpose of the journals is to keep open dialog between Ms. Price and the independent study student.

Mentor Meetings:  

Weekly meetings with Ms. Price (outside of class time) are a requirement for this course.  Because students taking this course are helping to direct/produce a show, they must be mentored in the process. The weekly meetings are meant to both educate the student on the process of directing, and also to keep up on the process of directing...both of which are crucial for a student’s success with "real-life" directing/producing.  (Students should plan for 1-2 thirty-minute meetings/week, and it is the responsibility of the learner to schedule those meetings with Ms. Price.)

Course Readings:

Readings will be provided weekly for the learner.  Each week's reading(s) must be done BEFORE that week's meeting with Ms. Price.  It is the goal of this course to relate the topics of each week's reading(s) to that week's meeting discussion & tasks.   

Texts in this course include (but are not limited to):

1.  A Sense of Direction by William Ball

2.  From Page to Stage by Rosemary Ingham

3.  Thinking Like a Director by Michael Bloom

4.  Tips:  Ideas for Directors by Jon Jory

Further Readings on the following directing/producing topics are provided here (and in each week's lessons):

(arranged by topic alphabetically)

A Director's Homework  (pre-production script preparation)

Analyzing Theatre as Art



Box Office


Director's Concept (also known as "Design Concept")


House Management & Ushers

Licensing & Royalties

Marketing a Show




Press Releases

Producing / Role of Producer

Production Schedules

Rehearsal Process:  

First Rehearsal with Cast

Relation to Actors

Rehearsal Space

Rehearsal Units

Time Sheet (sample)


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