Today in Acting Class...
Day 17: Monday, February 24, 2020 (4th hour) / Tuesday, February 25, 2020 (3rd hour)
Reviewed Unit Questions: "What constitutes art?" / "How do ideas take form?" / What makes something believable"?
Discussed today's learning goal: to perform with commitment.
Students were given 7 minutes to share their "5 ideas" and continue rehearsing their scenes with their partners.
Students completed #1-#3 on their Reflections.
Students performed their scenes and gave/received feedback.
Daily Schedule for this Unit...
(listed from first to last day of unit to last day of unit)
Day 1: Tuesday, January 21 (3rd & 4th hour)
(An Introduction to eachother & Theatre as ART)
Ms. Price welcomed students and gave them two goals of the class: 1.) to have fun/get out of your comfort zones, & 2.) to learn to "think like an artist"
Students took a small quiz (for fun) about Ms. Price (Ms. Price's Life...True or False)
Students learned about eachother through interactive name games
Students participated in "getting out of your comfort zone" activities.
Students were introduced to the idea of "thinking like an artist" by participating in activities that forced them to think abstractly (draw music), recognize patterns (analyze art), and make connections (determine elements of art found in theatre)
Ms. Price led students in an activity that allowed them to explore/discuss various artistic elements used on stage.
Students observed and analyzed various snapshots of moments on stage (photographs) and discussed artistic elements in each snapshot that added to the mood/meaning of the moment.
Students were given Acting Class Folders (pre-loaded folders which hold all their Acting handouts and activities for the semester).
1.) When you arrive to class next time, sit in new places, next to new faces. :)
Day 2: Wednesday, January 22 (4th hour) / Thursday, January 23 (3rd hour)
(Composition & "Artistic Value")
Students finished watching "KP's Theatre Class - Composition" and took notes. (Ms. Price passed out class folders in which students took notes. These folders must be brought to class DAILY.)
Ms. Price discussed learning goal: To be able to discuss the artistic value of various compositions on stage.
Class reviewed composition definition & elements of strong composition from today's lesson/video.
Ms. Price led students in composition activities in which small groups created and analyzed compositions made with their own bodies. Discussed artistic value of each.
Homework: (same as yesterday)
When you arrive to class next time, sit in new places, next to new faces. :)
Day 3: Thursday, January 23 (4th hour) / Monday, January 27 (3rd hour)
(Negative Space)
Class reviewed composition definition & elements of strong composition from last class' lesson/video.
Ms. Price reviewed where to go / what to do if you miss class (go HERE!)
Ms. Price discussed "Theatre Hours Packets" (in folders) & explained this requirement of the course. (If you were absent this day, be sure to see Ms. Price when you come back)
Discussed today's learning goals: 1.) to be able to DEFINE (& effectively USE) negative space in group compositions & 2.) to actively CONTRIBUTE to small group activities.
Activity: Partner Negative Space
Observed "negative space" in various advertising logos & discussed.
Observed the use of "negative space" in a short film & discussed.
Observed/Analyzed "negative space" in various photos from moments on stage.
Discussed the many ways in which "negative space" could be used effectively on stage.
Homework (same):
When you arrive to class next time, sit in new places, next to new faces (again). :)
SNOW DAY: Friday, January 25, 2020
Day 4: Monday, January 27 (4th hour) / Tuesday, January 28 (3rd hour)
(Art in Theatre)
Ms. Price passed out Acting Journals and students answered the following questions in their journals: "What is an artist?" Do you consider yourself an artist? If so, how? If not, why not? (If absent, be sure to complete this assignment in your journal when you return to class.)
Reviewed "composition" & "negative space"
Ms Price reviewed Unit 1 Schedule with students. (Unit Schedule is in Class Folder.)
Discussed today's learning goals: 1.) to be able to identify & describe ways in which art is used in theatre. 2.) to actively contribute to today's partner activity.
Discussed where art can be found in theatre (set, costumes, make-up, lighting, etc.)
Ms. Price introduced students to the Broadway version of "The Lion King" (clip) to observe & discuss various forms of art in theatre.
Discussed: Goal of DIRECTOR is to create MEANING on USING artistic elements.
Discussed: ALL artistic elements use COLOR to create meaning.
Discussed the subconscious (and/or cultural) meaning of various colors.
Ms. Price had students partner up and "choose a color to work with". She then gave each pair an Open Ended Scene and defined the task: Using the lines on the "script", create a scene that SHOWS the mood/meaning of the color chosen.
Day 5: Tuesday, January 28 (4th hour) / Thursday, January 30 (3rd hour)
(Exploration of Ideas)
Discussed Unit Question: "What constitutes art?". Reviewed "composition", "negative space", and "theatre as art".
Discussed today's learning goal: to demonstrate exploration of ideas both individually and with a partner
Ms. Price had students partner up and "choose a color to work with". She then gave each pair an Open Ended Scene and defined the task: Using the lines on the "script", create a scene that SHOWS the mood/meaning of the color chosen.
Students were given time to rehearse their scene ideas with a partner, using their own creativity. (= "Pre-test")
Students performed their scenes for the class.
Ms. Price passed out students' PROCESS (Acting) JOURNALS and students wrote about 2 journal prompts:
Color Scene Pre-Test: Audience Response - What did your AUDIENCE get from / perceive about your performance? (i.e. Our audience thought that...)
Color Scene Pre-Test: Artistic Intention - What did you and your partner INTEND to show your audience?
Discussed: Do you feel "deep down" that you may have even BETTER ideas than what you shared with your audience? Do you believe there's ways to get at even STRONGER ideas and performances? (That's Ms. Price's job: to teach you creative thinking strategies and skills that will help you develop strong/creative ideas and performances.)
Ms. Price led students through "creative thinking" activities to help students improve their ideas for their scenes. First, students were asked to answer the following questions in their Acting (Process) Journals:
Color Scene Re-Do: Exploration of Ideas (Setting) What are 7-10 different locations where your scene COULD be taking place?
Color Scene Re-Do: Exploration of Ideas (Characters): List 7-10 different relationships (that may or may not relate to your locations)? (examples: doctor/patient, hotel manager/maid, homeless woman & her estranged daughter, teacher and her drop-out student, exes, etc.)
Discussed how students' ideas are becoming much more interesting through the "exploration of ideas".
Students had time to explore (rehearse) various ideas they came up with by "putting their scenes on its feet".
If absent, be sure to do above journal prompts (questions in red). Please write the underlined titles at the top of each prompt.
Day 6: Wednesday, January 29 (4th hour) / Friday, January 31 (3rd hour)
(Thinking Creatively / Exploration of Ideas)
Discussed today's learning goal: to take risks and avoid "safe", predictable and/or easy ideas.
Students were given a prompt (answers to the prompt go in the students' PROCESS JOURNALS)
Defining Creativity: How do YOU define CREATIVITY? How do YOU come up with "creative ideas"?
Watched a brief video clip in which Sir Ken Robinson defines creativity (from 3:02-3:55): Watch HERE
Discussed Sir Ken Robinson's definition of creativity ("the process of having original ideas that have value") and discussed the difference between creativity & imagination.
Discussed today's learning goal: to take risks and avoid "safe", predictable, and/or easy ideas
Ms. Price discussed the IB RUBRIC for the students' first acting project: IB Criterion C: Thinking Creatively (4 original scenes) and discussed "exploration of ideas" / "artistic intention" and how both relate to thinking creatively.
Watched a short clip and discussed a film maker's ARTISTIC INTENTION with his use of the color red. Watch clip HERE.
Discussed (examples of) "safe" choices and how they can kill creativity.
Ms. Price led students through "thinking creative" activities to help improve students' ideas for their scenes.
Students answered the following questions in their Acting (Process) Journals:
Color Scene Re-Do Exploring Ideas: Name/describe at least 2 specific things that helped you to get to better ideas last class & why.
Students had time to explore (rehearse) various ideas they came up with by "putting their scenes on its feet".
After settling on a final idea, students were given a Creativity (idea-generating) strategy of (Toyota's) 5 Why's. See process below:
Ask yourself WHY the characters would say the lines in the script.
For example: Let's say you chose a relationship of 2 estranged sisters for your scene, and your chosen location was a hospital. Perhaps you ask yourself "Why would the one sister say she didn't expect to see the other sister there?" (based on lines)
Perhaps you determine it's because the sister left their home at 18 and never came back. Then ask yourself why again. Perhaps it's the question "Why did the sister leave at 18?"
You continue to ask Why questions 5x until you've created a specific back-story for your characters that will give your scene more depth, and will help YOU as actors to convey your ideas more believably. (This technique helps you as much as it does your audience.)
If absent, be sure to do above journal prompts (questions in red). Please write the underlined titles at the top of each prompt.
Day 7: Thursday, January 30 (4th hour) / Monday, February 3 (3rd hour)
(Rehearsal Process/Performance)
Reviewed: Creativity (as defined by Ken Robinson) is the PROCESS of having ORIGINAL ideas that have value.
1. Ms. Price discussed learning goal: to perform with commitment
Ms. Price gave students time to fill out questions #1-3 on their Pre-Performance Scene Reflection (in your Scene Performance packet).
Ms. Price reminded students that they will be graded on "exploration of ideas" and showing "artistic intent" ( IB Criterion C: Thinking Creatively (4 original scenes) ). Also, students will be graded on improvement in a total of 4 scenes, so the grade will not be given until AFTER all 4 scenes are performed (over the course of the next few weeks).
Students performed their Color Scene Re-do's with the class and students gave feedback. (Performers were given audience and teacher feedback.)
Following performance, students completed final two questions on their Reflection.
Students reviewed and "weighed in" on how they did with today's learning goals.
(SUB: February 5)
Day 8: Monday & Wednesday February 3 & 5 (4th hour) / Wednesday, February 5 (3rd hour)
(Performance / Feedback / Types of Stages)
1. Students who have not yet performed were given time to rehearse.
3. Ms. Price discussed learning goals: 1.) to perform with commitment, 2.) to be able to identify & describe 4 different types of stages.
4. As a class, we discussed & recorded what type of "environment" we'd like to together create in our classroom. (Essential Agreements)
5. Discussed: In the next part of Unit 1, we will learn about WHERE dramatic stories can be told, and HOW to tell great stories on stage.
6.Students watched "KP's Theatre Class - Types of Stages" and took notes. (If ABSENT, be sure to do this BEFORE you return to class.
None (If you haven't yet performed, be prepared to perform NEXT class)
Day 9: Thursday, February 6 (3rd & 4th hour)
(Stage Directions)
Reviewed Unit Question: "What constitutes art?".
Discussed today's learning goals: 1.) to define "blocking" and "stage directions", 2.) to demonstrate understanding of stage directions
Ms. Price explained that in the next week we'll be focusing on WHERE theatre stories are told (stage), and HOW to tell great stories on stage.
Discussed next focus in class: How to tell great stories on stage (discussed two steps: 1.) show more than you "tell" 2.) focus on believability.
Ms Price introduced students to the term "Stage Directions" and students watched "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Directions" (up to 3:28) and took notes. (If absent, be sure to do this on your own!)
Ms. Price led students (by table) in activities to practice using correct stage directions.
Ms. Price led students in activities to practice pantomime & believability and discussed the importance of believability on stage.
If you haven't already, finish watching "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Directions" (up to 3:28) and take notes. There will be a unit test on this information at the end of the unit.
Day 10: Monday, February 10 (3rd & 4th hour)
(Stage Directions / Scene Work)
Reviewed Unit Questions: "What constitutes art?" / "How do ideas take form?" / What makes something believable"?
Discussed today's learning goals: 1.) to define "stage directions" and be able to accurately follow them on stage. 2.) to work on developing ideas (by exploring and trying MANY)
Ms. Price passed out a "Stage Directions Scene". Listed on this scene are stage directions (only) that students must follow and use to create an original believable scene. (We will work on creating the scenes next class with NEW partners.)
Students worked with partners to develop and rehearse their "Stage Directions Scene" (Students were encouraged to focus on IDEAS, and also to actually walk through the stage directions in order to let their scenes "emerge".)
Students wrote in Acting (Process) Journal:
1.) Stage Directions Scene: Concept & Whys (What's your concept & backstory?)
2.) Stage Directions Scene: Creative Collaboration (Share your concept with another group and write down ideas they gave.)
3.) Stage Directions Scene: Improvement (How will you IMPROVE your concept/whys based on others' questions/feedback?)
If you haven't already, finish watching "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Directions" (up to 3:28) and take notes. There will be a unit test on this information at the end of the unit.
Day 11: Tuesday, February 11, 2020
(Performance / Stage Movement)
Reviewed Unit Questions: "What constitutes art?" / "How do ideas take form?" / What makes something believable"?
Discussed today's learning goals: 1.) demonstrate understanding of stage directions, 2.) to perform with commitment
Students were given time to work on creating ideas/scenes for their "Stage Directions Scene". (i.e. create a believable scene using the stage directions given.) Students were encouraged to focus on IDEAS and creating motivation for their movement.
When finished rehearsing, students were asked to complete #1-3 on their Reflections for their Stage Directions scene.
Students performed their Stage Directions scenes.
1.) If you haven't already, finish watching "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Directions" (up to 3:28) and take notes. There will be a test on this information at the end of the unit.
2.) If you haven't yet performed, be prepared to do so next class!
Day 12: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 (4th hour) / Thursday, February 13, 2020 (3rd hour)
(Performance / Stage Movement)
Reviewed Unit Questions: "What constitutes art?" / "How do ideas take form?" / What makes something believable"?
Discussed today's learning goals: 1.) demonstrate understanding of stage directions, 2.) to perform with commitment
Students finished performing their Stage Directions scenes, received feedback, and recorded audience feedback in their journals.
(Ms. Price passed back students' rubrics to all students who previously performed.)
Watched "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Directions" (from 3:28 to end) and discussed additional blocking concepts from the video.
Ms. Price reviewed the following through individual, group, and parter review activities: upstage, downstage, stage right, stage left, open (1/4, full front), closed (3/4 full back), profile, share, give, take, cover, and upstage.
Students were given a Crossword and competed in pairs - to earn extra credit on their upcoming test. (The crossword reviews terms from today's video.)
1.) If you haven't already, finish watching "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Directions" (up to 3:28) and take notes. There will be a test on this information at the end of the unit.
Day 13: Thursday, February 13, 2020 (4th hour) / Friday, February 14, 2020 (3rd hour)
(Stage Terms)
Reviewed Unit Questions: "What constitutes art?" / "How do ideas take form?" / What makes something believable"?
Ms. Price passed back students' scores/reflections and asked students to complete the final two Reflection items for their Stage Directions scenes.
Discussed: Following your first class first performance, what did you LEARN? How did you GROW? What do you want to do DIFFERENTLY next time? (Also discussed the IB grading structure for all 4 scenes.)
Discussed today's learning goal: to identify and define various stage terms
Students watched a video: "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Terms" and completed NOTES while watching. (If ABSENT, be sure to do this before you return to class!)
Students took a stage STAGE TOUR with Ms. Price. (Students tried to identify learned terms during the tour.)
Prepare for your upcoming Unit Test (Wednesday, February 19, 2020) on the following videos: "KP's Theatre Class - Types of Stages", "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Directions", and "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Terms". Be sure to prepare and STUDY your 3 pages of notes for these videos!
Monday, February 17, 2020 = MID-WINTER BREAK
Tuesday, February 18, 2020 = SNOW DAY (TEST moved to Thursday due to Snow Day)
Day 14: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 (7-period day)
(REVIEW game)
Reviewed Unit Questions: "What constitutes art?" / "How do ideas take form?" / What makes something believable"?
Ms. Price led students in a review game with students in preparation for Unit Test.
You will have a UNIT TEST on the following videos: "KP's Theatre Class - Types of Stages", "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Directions", and "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Terms". Be sure to prepare and STUDY your 3 pages of notes for these videos!
Day 15: Thursday, February 20, 2020 (7-period day)
(Unit Test)
Mrs. Price led students in an activity that highlighted the 3 essential characteristics of theatre: 1.) a story to tell, 2.) actor(s) to tell it, 3.) an audience to respond to it.
Students took Unit 1 Test (Summative: Criterion A - Knowing & Understanding)
(Note: If you do not pass test, you must re-take next class. Be sure to study your notes from the class videos and re-watch "KP's Theatre Class - Types of Stages", "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Directions", and "KP's Theatre Class - Stage Terms"
Day 16: Friday, February 21, 2020 (4th hour) / Monday, February 24, 2020 (3rd hour)
(Believability / Rehearsal)
Reviewed Unit Questions: "What constitutes art?" / "How do ideas take form?" / What makes something believable"?
Discussed today's learning goal: 1.) to practice ways to show "believability", 2.) to rehearse with commitment & creativity
Discussed "believability" on stage (what it means / how you show it)
Students partnered up with a person of OPPOSITE gender to rehearse 3 scenes led by Ms. Price. (She gave scene scenario & open-ended script, and students worked on exploration of ideas & "believability" in their rehearsals.)
At the end of class, Ms. Price asked every student to write 5 different/unique/specific ideas on they back of their scripts to make their scenes stronger.
Day 17: Monday, February 24, 2020 (4th hour) / Tuesday, February 25, 2020 (3rd hour)
Reviewed Unit Questions: "What constitutes art?" / "How do ideas take form?" / What makes something believable"?
Discussed today's learning goal: to perform with commitment.
Students were given 7 minutes to share their "5 ideas" and continue rehearsing their scenes with their partners.
Students completed #1-#3 on their Reflections.
Students performed their scenes and gave/received feedback.