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This Unit in Stagecraft:


Day 1:  Scene shop Materials (for building flats & platforms)

  • Reviewed new terms from last class:  props table, cyc, scrim, platforms, wagons, stage directions

  • Discussed the NEXT focus of the class:  TYPES OF TOOLS & MATERIALS used to BUILD stage basics (flats & platforms)

  • Discussed "stock" (set-building items we keep "in stock" in a scene shop - such as flats, platforms, door units, and stair units, etc.)

  • Students learned about flats & platforms (what they are made out of, and how they are constructed)

  • Students learned FLAT terminology:  toggle, stiles, rails, Hollywood vs. Broadway flats, etc.

  • Students were introduced to the materials used to make flats & platforms (including 1x4, 2x4, luan, 3/4" plywood, OSB, carriage bolts, legs, nuts/washers, etc.)

  • Students were told that they will soon be making their own flats & platforms in groups.

  • Students learned about the various tools they will be using to build flats and platforms (Handout:  Measuring & Cutting Tools  & Handout:  Fastening Tools) and how to prepare a cut list for their build.

  • Students played a REVIEW GAME to review all the Stage & Theatre Terms learned so far in class.


Syllabus & Paint Clothes DUE (if you haven't already turned in)


Day 2: Review /  Scene Shop

  • Students finished REVIEW GAME from last class.

  • Students were given a Scene Shop Scavenger Hunt, and worked in pairs to locate (in the scene shop) all the listed items


  • Next class you must wear closed-toe shoes and pants...remember to do so any day we are in the scene shop!

Day 3:  Review / Cut Lists, Supplies, Tool Use (Build Day 1)

  • Reviewed Measuring & Cutting Tools  & Fastening Tools

  • Reviewed Broadway vs. Hollywood flats, and materials used to make both

  • In-Class Assignment:  Students were given their first building task and put into teams:  GUYS will be building platforms (Handout: Building a Platform) and GIRLS will be building a flat (Video).

  • TODAY'S TASKS:  1.) Create a cut list for your project, 2.) Gather supplies for your project, 3.) Learn Proper/Safe Tool Use (chop saw, air compressor / gun, drill use)


Fill out your Scene Shop Packet for today (this is to be done every day that we are in the scene shop)

Wear closed-toe shoes every day we are in the scene shop!

Days 4-5:  Building Flats & Platforms  (Build Days 2-3)

  • Ms. Price reviewed how to fill out Scene Shop packets (from yesterday)

  • Students worked in small groups to build a flat or platform 


Fill out your Scene Shop Packet for today (this is to be done every day that we are in the scene shop)

Wear closed-toe shoes every day we are in the scene shop!


Day 6:  Building & Priming a Flat / Building & Castering a Platform (Build Day 4)

  • Students were told they would have a Quiz on Stage & Flat/Platform basics three classes from today.

  • In-Class Assignment:  Students were introduced to PHASE 2 of their project:

    • Flat builders:  will prime your flat (must learn paint area and painting tips)​

    • Platform builders:  will caster your platform (must learn how to properly and safely caster a platform)

  • Ms. Price gave a mini-lesson on paint tips which included:​

    • Names of Painting Tools​

    • Painting Tips

    • How to properly open a paint can

    • How to properly pour from a paint can

    • How to properly close & store a paint can

    • How to minimize clean-up

    • How to properly clean brushes & rollers

  • Ms. Price directed students to information on Castering Platforms, and where to find caster blocks in the scene shop.


  • Fill out your Scene Shop Packet for today (this is to be done every day that we are in the scene shop)

  • Wear closed-toe shoes every day we are in the scene shop!

  • Quiz 3 classes from now (on Stage & Flat/Platform Basics)

Day 7:  Finishing the Build (Build Day 5)

  • Reminder:  There will be a Quiz on Stage & Flat/Platform basics two classes from today.

  • Students worked to finish their build projects (Phase 1 & Phase 2) 

  • (If a group finishes early, they were asked to help other groups who are not yet finished.)


  • Fill out your Scene Shop Packet for today (this is to be done every day that we are in the scene shop).

  • Wear closed-toe shoes every day we are in the scene shop!

  • Quiz 2 classes from now (on Stage & Flat/Platform Basics)

Day 8:  Finishing the Build (Build Day 6)

  • Reminder:  There will be a Quiz on Stage & Flat/Platform basics next class.

  • Students FINISHED their build projects (Phase 1 & Phase 2) and wrote their names on the back of their finished flat or platform.

  • (If a group finishes early, they were asked to help other groups who are not yet finished.)


  • Fill out your Scene Shop Packet for today (this is to be done every day that we are in the scene shop).

  • Wear closed-toe shoes every day we are in the scene shop!

  • Quiz NEXT CLASS (on Stage & Flat/Platform Basics)

Day 9:  Build Reflection  

  • In-Class Assignment:  Students completed a Flat/Platform Building Reflection (individually)

  • Students De-Briefed their building experience with partners (flat builders partnered up with platform builders) and answered de-brief questions provided by Ms. Price.

  • With partners, students reviewed various terms (led by Ms. Price)

  • ASSESSMENT:  Students were given a QUIZ on Stage Terms & Building Basics (Flats/Platforms)


  • Students were reminded to complete both their GOALS and their TASKS in their Scene Shop Packets


Video:  How to Use a Power Drill

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