This Unit in Stagecraft:
Day 1: Scene shop Materials (for building flats & platforms)
Reviewed new terms from last class: props table, cyc, scrim, platforms, wagons, stage directions
Discussed the NEXT focus of the class: TYPES OF TOOLS & MATERIALS used to BUILD stage basics (flats & platforms)
Discussed "stock" (set-building items we keep "in stock" in a scene shop - such as flats, platforms, door units, and stair units, etc.)
Students learned about flats & platforms (what they are made out of, and how they are constructed)
Students learned FLAT terminology: toggle, stiles, rails, Hollywood vs. Broadway flats, etc.
Students were introduced to the materials used to make flats & platforms (including 1x4, 2x4, luan, 3/4" plywood, OSB, carriage bolts, legs, nuts/washers, etc.)
Students were told that they will soon be making their own flats & platforms in groups.
Students learned about the various tools they will be using to build flats and platforms (Handout: Measuring & Cutting Tools & Handout: Fastening Tools) and how to prepare a cut list for their build.
Students played a REVIEW GAME to review all the Stage & Theatre Terms learned so far in class.
Syllabus & Paint Clothes DUE (if you haven't already turned in)
Day 2: Review / Scene Shop
Students finished REVIEW GAME from last class.
Students were given a Scene Shop Scavenger Hunt, and worked in pairs to locate (in the scene shop) all the listed items
Next class you must wear closed-toe shoes and pants...remember to do so any day we are in the scene shop!
Day 3: Review / Cut Lists, Supplies, Tool Use (Build Day 1)
Reviewed Measuring & Cutting Tools & Fastening Tools
Reviewed Broadway vs. Hollywood flats, and materials used to make both
In-Class Assignment: Students were given their first building task and put into teams: GUYS will be building platforms (Handout: Building a Platform) and GIRLS will be building a flat (Video).
TODAY'S TASKS: 1.) Create a cut list for your project, 2.) Gather supplies for your project, 3.) Learn Proper/Safe Tool Use (chop saw, air compressor / gun, drill use)
Fill out your Scene Shop Packet for today (this is to be done every day that we are in the scene shop)
Wear closed-toe shoes every day we are in the scene shop!
Days 4-5: Building Flats & Platforms (Build Days 2-3)
Ms. Price reviewed how to fill out Scene Shop packets (from yesterday)
Students worked in small groups to build a flat or platform
Fill out your Scene Shop Packet for today (this is to be done every day that we are in the scene shop)
Wear closed-toe shoes every day we are in the scene shop!
Day 6: Building & Priming a Flat / Building & Castering a Platform (Build Day 4)
Students were told they would have a Quiz on Stage & Flat/Platform basics three classes from today.
In-Class Assignment: Students were introduced to PHASE 2 of their project:
Flat builders: will prime your flat (must learn paint area and painting tips)
Platform builders: will caster your platform (must learn how to properly and safely caster a platform)
Ms. Price gave a mini-lesson on paint tips which included:
Names of Painting Tools
How to properly open a paint can
How to properly pour from a paint can
How to properly close & store a paint can
How to minimize clean-up
How to properly clean brushes & rollers
Ms. Price directed students to information on Castering Platforms, and where to find caster blocks in the scene shop.
Fill out your Scene Shop Packet for today (this is to be done every day that we are in the scene shop)
Wear closed-toe shoes every day we are in the scene shop!
Quiz 3 classes from now (on Stage & Flat/Platform Basics)
Day 7: Finishing the Build (Build Day 5)
Reminder: There will be a Quiz on Stage & Flat/Platform basics two classes from today.
Students worked to finish their build projects (Phase 1 & Phase 2)
(If a group finishes early, they were asked to help other groups who are not yet finished.)
Fill out your Scene Shop Packet for today (this is to be done every day that we are in the scene shop).
Wear closed-toe shoes every day we are in the scene shop!
Quiz 2 classes from now (on Stage & Flat/Platform Basics)
Day 8: Finishing the Build (Build Day 6)
Reminder: There will be a Quiz on Stage & Flat/Platform basics next class.
Students FINISHED their build projects (Phase 1 & Phase 2) and wrote their names on the back of their finished flat or platform.
(If a group finishes early, they were asked to help other groups who are not yet finished.)
Fill out your Scene Shop Packet for today (this is to be done every day that we are in the scene shop).
Wear closed-toe shoes every day we are in the scene shop!
Quiz NEXT CLASS (on Stage & Flat/Platform Basics)
Day 9: Build Reflection
In-Class Assignment: Students completed a Flat/Platform Building Reflection (individually)
Students De-Briefed their building experience with partners (flat builders partnered up with platform builders) and answered de-brief questions provided by Ms. Price.
With partners, students reviewed various terms (led by Ms. Price)
ASSESSMENT: Students were given a QUIZ on Stage Terms & Building Basics (Flats/Platforms)
Students were reminded to complete both their GOALS and their TASKS in their Scene Shop Packets
Video: How to Use a Power Drill