Acting: Week 16
(December 2-6, 2024)
Important topics/terms/instructions are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
Ms. Price provides ALL learning for absent students in a self-directed format.
If absent, read & understand/complete each of the day's activities below. You are EXPECTED to do so BEFORE returning.
Day 1: Stage Business & Blocking
1.) Ms. Price reviewed Final Scene Project Task Sheet & Rubrics (Rubric 1 & Rubric 2) and reminded students that they will be graded on both scene analysis (SCRIPT) and creative scene choices (ACTING).
2.) Reviewed:
1.) What could be the PATTERN of your scene's blocking?
(pg 7 in scene booklet will guide you if you were absent for the previous class)
2.) How can you discover interesting/believable DETAILED blocking?
(pg 9 in your scene booklet will guide you if you were absent for the previous class)
3.) Setting rehearsal goals that are specific and measurable AND how to rehearse beat by beat.
(If you were absent last class, be sure to mark "absent" on pg 11 of your scene booklet; If present, be sure you've filled out your rehearsal reflection.)
3.) Reviewed types of blocking: obligatory blocking, blocking pattern, and detailed blocking.
(If you missed this learning last week, be sure to watch the video below from 0:00-7:45 and take notes in CLASS NOTES - BLOCKING (Google Classroom).
4.) Finished watching a video (KP's Theatre Class - Blocking - 7:40-end) and took notes in CLASS NOTES - BLOCKING (Google Classroom). If absent, be sure to watch and take notes on your own. You are responsible for knowing, understanding, and being able to apply this information to your own scene.
5.) Learned about stage business (the often un-scripted activities of a character that give the character & scene more depth and/or meaning)
6.) Read a scene from Steel Magnolias and discussed (as a class) various options for set & stage business based on the scene's subtext & characters.
A brief synopsis of the play, Steel Magnolias:
Shelby, a spirited woman in her 20's who as recently married, has decided to have a baby...against both her mother's wishes and doctor's advice. (She has diabetes, and it has been determined that having a child could be life-threatening for her.)
In this scene:
Shelby has come back to her home town for its annual Christmas festival. She's excited, yet worried, to share the "good" news with her mother (M'Lynn) that she's pregnant.
7.) Completed (with your partner) the following for your OWN final scene:
Determine your scene's stage business options (and TRY 3 today). Completed page 9 in your scene booklet.
Discuss props needed for your scene (and be sure to bring in ASAP). Completed page 10 in your scene booklet. (When you bring in your props be sure to put them on the class "Props Table" and label your props as instructed.)
Rehearse your scene beat by beat. Mark blocking choices IN PENCIL as you make them. (Refer to page 11 in your scene booklet for the correct way to mark blocking in your script OR watch a tutorial HERE.)
Complete pg 12 (Independent Rehearsal goal & reflection)
4. If absent, be sure to complete the above with your partner when you return.
Day 2: Build / Climax
1.) Reviewed stage business and ways to add stage business to scenes (in order to better show the subtext of the scene). Also reviewed how to properly mark blocking choices in your script as you rehearse.
2.) Reviewed blocking (a scene's coordinated movement) and how you must show BUILD in your scene's blocking (start with your scene's blocking pattern BEFORE you move to detailed/character blocking).
3.) Read a new scene from the play, 1984 (click to read)
A brief synopsis of the play, 1984:
In a future (dystopian) society, where everything (including thoughts) are controlled by the all-powerful government ("the Party"), and every action is watched on camera and scrutinized by "Big Brother", Winston fiercely holds on to his individuality despite the mental re-programming (torture) he must endure. (If interested, watch trailer HERE.)
In this scene:
Winston, in this scene, has been imprisoned & tortured repeatedly by a Party leader (O'Brien), but despite all that, Winston seeks to remain strong.
4.) Determined the climax of the scene from 1984 and marked that moment with a star. (Partners worked together to discuss, analyze, and mark the climax of the scene.)
5.) Participated as a class in a scene study (with volunteers) show the possible set, beats, and build (& climax) in 1984.
6.) Completed (with your scene partner) the following for your OWN final scene:
Determine the climax of your scene. (Complete page 7 in your scene booklet.)
Review your scene's blocking pattern.
TRY your detailed blocking. (Complete page 9 in your scene booklet.)
If absent, be sure to complete each of the above items with your scene partner.
7.) Scene Partners rehearsed their scenes independently and completed page13 in scene booklets. Reminder: Bring in your set/prop items asap!
Day 3: Independent Rehearsal #2
1.) Reviewed:
obligatory blocking (blocking you HAVE to do in your scene - entrances/exits, etc.)
blocking patterns (the overall pattern of your scene's movement that shows the build of your scene)
climax (the highest point of intensity in your scene that your blocking leads up to)
detailed blocking / stage business (the behavioral or psychological actions of characters in the scene that often help to show the subtext of the scene - typically involving the use of props)
2.) Watched a video (How Professional Actors Approach a Script) and discussed as a class. If absent, be sure to watch on your own.
3.) Completed pg 14 in scene booklets and participated in Independent Rehearsal with your scene partner.