Stagecraft Week 11: What's BACK there?
(Costumes, Make-up, & Wigs)
November 9-13, 2020
Important terms are in RED.
Google Classroom assignments are in BLUE.
If ABSENT, you are REQUIRED to read / understand / do all activities posted for that day, even if it's not listed as an "assignment".
DAY 1:
1.) Reflected on individual goal from LAST week. (Be sure to answer the "end of week" reflection under Week 10 in your REFLECTION JOURNAL in Google Classroom.)
2.) Chose an area (from the IB Learner Profile) to individually focus on this week. (If Absent, be sure to complete this under n your REFLECTION JOURNAL (week 11) in Google Classroom. Discussed the class focus of COLLABORATION for this week.
3.) Watched a video (Journey of the Dress: Phantom of the Opera) and discussed various aspects of maintaining costumes.
4.) Performed a "working in scale" test. Each student must prove mastery in working in scale. (If Absent, be sure to see Ms. Price when you return to complete this test.)
5.) Reviewed stage make-up basics from last week.
6.) Watched a video (Working in Theatre: Make-up - from 0:00-10:04) and responded in Google Classroom REFLECTION JOURNAL - week 11 (Journal Title: Make-up Design) about 3 things you learned about make-up design.
7.) Reviewed/Re-Watched: Quick Changes - Mary Poppins and discussed strategies for students' own costume quick change in teams.
8.) Re-read/Reviewed Quick Change Stations and prepared for a team quick change (as described on handout provided in the link).
9.) Competed! Completed a successful quick change with your assigned team. (If Absent, click HERE to complete this assignment on your own. This is a required/graded assignment.)
Properly set up your quick change station (see handout in #8 above)
Communicate with your "actor" on the best methods for executing the quick change.
Build trust between actor and dressers by rehearsing your quick change several times.
When prompted by Ms. Price, compete for the best time (and smoothest quick change).
10.) Watched presentations by Adv. Stagecraft: Theatrical Painting techniques
DAY 2:
1.) Discussed our "going remote" plan - what's expected in Stagecraft if we have to go remote.
As is true with any other class/teacher, go to HAIKU (my website is linked there) OR you can go directly to my website (kristaprice.com) and click on Stagecraft from the Educator drop-down menu.
I will post the week's self-directed learning on my website each Friday for the FOLLOWING week. (This gives you a full week to complete the assigned learning/tasks.)
You must "come to class" via Zoom during your assigned class period. (My Zoom info is on Haiku)
Day 1 of the week will be a very quick check-in.
Day 2 of the week will be a full class in which you share assigned projects and learning with the class.
Note: You MUST have all of your learning experiences for the week COMPLETE by Friday's Zoom class.
2.) Watched a video (Costume Design in The Lion King) and responded in Google Classroom REFLECTION JOURNAL - week 11 (Journal Title: Costumes in the Lion King) about other areas of design that must be considered by costume designers - beyond just clothing.
3.) Watched a video (Make-up for the Stage: Old Age)
4.) Practiced creating "old age" faces with theatre make-up. (If absent or quarantined, you do not need to do this.)
5.) Strike: Students took care of all costumes and props/props tables from our former 2 projects.
Go Deeper (Optional):
Learn about Wigs & Make-up
Make-up Design for Stage (19:56)
Theatrical 'Base Face' (7:15)
Creating Old Age Make-up (3:47)
Wigs Design (21:56)
For more information on how to prep for wigs, how to grey hair, how to apply facial hair, and other wig/make-up tutorials & videos, go HERE)
Check out the following "face charts":