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(Independent Study Course)

Purpose of the Course:  There is an art and a science to directing great stage productions.  This course explores both the art and science of directing as well as the characteristics of great productions.  The course also provides the student with an opportunity to be mentored in the directing process, and requires that (s)he direct a short play (or a portion of an OHS production) as a final project.

Only highly qualified students are accepted into this independent study...those who show promise (or great interest) in directing, and who have previously exhibited strong work ethic and drive.


Learning Goals:

There is a three-part approach to this course.  The student will:

1.) Learn from some “greats” (well known or effective directors) via texts and other sources; 

2.) be mentored by Ms. Price in directing; and 

3.) direct his/her own piece (or a portion of an OHS show)

Each time this course is offered (which is rare), it is tailored to the individual needs/talents of the student taking the course.  However, the course guarentees the above three approaches to learning about directing will be covered.

Course Requirements:

Each student of this course will need a Directing Journal.  (S)he must also be involved in out-of-class mentor meetings with Ms. Price, and must complete required course readings and reflections.  

Course Schedule:

Week 1:  Introduction / Choose a show to direct

Weeks 2-3:  A Director's Homework 

Weeks 4-5:  The Rehearsal Process  

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